Was looking for a music instrument that I 'should' learn, music was far far away from me after my primary school.
Was first thought of Quena, then was 'swing' between Chinese flute, or the Western flute, and recently was very surprise that actually the digital piano can produce the flute sound. Ya, I know my mind is swinging all the time...
But anyway, this is not my topic today.
Recently I start to search around for the basic music learning lesson in internet, and come across this website: The Internet Music Teacher
I saw the PASSION of a person in this website, and I really admire him.
This guy giving free music lesson in internet, and through out the years, he gains his famous. He is being 'labeled' as The Internet Music Teacher after his countless volunteer work to teach his music knowledge thru internet. I think he doesn't meant to gain all these when he start doing this, but it is the result of his hard-work, and he enjoy it so much while he's doing it.
How can a people doing free thing which cost lot's of time?
Passion on what he is doing is the answer, you just feel energy within him. His happiness, his excitement, he grow from simply teaching into orchestra-ing the pop music, he try every thing in his world, and he shares it to the world, for FREE.
I really salute him, also to other peoples that might doing something else which I have no chance to explore into yet. In a way, they are hero to me. :)
We should learn from this people, learn from their positive way of living.
Live with passion, contribute what you know, shares with others.
I think this will keep us happy, and really, we do not need to think too much what will we 'gain' from what we give, the thing will just work out magically if we do in a right way. We might influence other to do the same, I think this is the most wonderful thing we as a human, can contribute back to the world.
Think positive, act positive!
我佩服, 我崇拜, 我要学习你们的态度!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Baumkuchen - “Tree Cake”
Had double checks with colleague why is it call Tree Cake, so, finally understand that he meant the layer looks like the tree layer after it been cut, not the shape of the whole tree, but the trunk that had been cut
---- earlier post ----
Bought this from the Mainz visit, colleague told that he always bought a BIG one for his parent during x'mas visit.
Well, it looks good to me, bcoz I think it's made of butter :D
Baumkuchen - “Tree Cake”
They call it 'Tree Cake', my colleague try to explain that after cut the cake, it looks like a tree. I was wonder how it will be when he telling this.
Going to cut now ^_^
Finally, after I cut it for my brunch, I found it is very similar to the 'kuih lapis' which is a famous cake from Indonesia. They made it layer by layer, it taste nice, very 'solid' taste. Smell & taste butter & milk as I expected :)
Looks like the 'kuih lapis', don't they?
Price? It goes by weight, this one cost me almost 18 Euro, which is close to RM 80!!!
Wa lao eh, now only I realize it is so expensive, I got to eat it very slow~~~
---- earlier post ----
Bought this from the Mainz visit, colleague told that he always bought a BIG one for his parent during x'mas visit.
Well, it looks good to me, bcoz I think it's made of butter :D
They call it 'Tree Cake', my colleague try to explain that after cut the cake, it looks like a tree. I was wonder how it will be when he telling this.
Finally, after I cut it for my brunch, I found it is very similar to the 'kuih lapis' which is a famous cake from Indonesia. They made it layer by layer, it taste nice, very 'solid' taste. Smell & taste butter & milk as I expected :)
Price? It goes by weight, this one cost me almost 18 Euro, which is close to RM 80!!!
Wa lao eh, now only I realize it is so expensive, I got to eat it very slow~~~
Weekend short trip - Mainz
A very friendly colleague invited us to visit the city he live - the Mainz.
5 of us made the trip last Saturday, it took only 30 mins by train from my place.
Attraction in this city was about the Rome empire 'proof' which is found in this city.
He told that it is about 2000 KM from his place to the Rome, Italy. So it is really amazing in long long time ago, which could be 2000 years back, the Rome empire had already spread their troops to this country.
No air plane, no train, no car. That time they only have chariot and their legs, I think it could take them months or even years to travel from Rome to Frankfurt. But, the greedy of human on the power had overcome all these obstacles, I think this is the 'good' output from a 'bad' intention.
The day ends with a very nice place, the beer is very very nice. Sweet, and fresh.. Hmmm.. Ok, I am not too good in describing the taste of something, but I can only say it taste much much better than those bottle beer I tried before.
And, this is our dinner. YES, each of us order the same plate, and we are all surprise with this BIG portion of pork knuckle. It taste nice, but just too big, end up we waste the food, no one able to finish it. We should have order 2 for all of us, I always think waste of food is a very bad habit...
crispy pork knuckle
inside, the meat is tender, and 'chewy' due to the fat... yes, it is very sinful for your weight...
5 of us made the trip last Saturday, it took only 30 mins by train from my place.
Attraction in this city was about the Rome empire 'proof' which is found in this city.
He told that it is about 2000 KM from his place to the Rome, Italy. So it is really amazing in long long time ago, which could be 2000 years back, the Rome empire had already spread their troops to this country.
No air plane, no train, no car. That time they only have chariot and their legs, I think it could take them months or even years to travel from Rome to Frankfurt. But, the greedy of human on the power had overcome all these obstacles, I think this is the 'good' output from a 'bad' intention.
The day ends with a very nice place, the beer is very very nice. Sweet, and fresh.. Hmmm.. Ok, I am not too good in describing the taste of something, but I can only say it taste much much better than those bottle beer I tried before.
And, this is our dinner. YES, each of us order the same plate, and we are all surprise with this BIG portion of pork knuckle. It taste nice, but just too big, end up we waste the food, no one able to finish it. We should have order 2 for all of us, I always think waste of food is a very bad habit...
Sunday, December 05, 2010
eh, 终于把相片全传上Picasa 啦!!
看着这些Picasa相簿, 我是有一点点成就感的.
终于, 我的旅途顺利完成.
没有争执, 没有班车/飞机延迟; 没有误车/误机, 一切都非常顺利,平安. 老土的说一句, 感谢上天的眷顾与保佑.
更重要的收尾工作现在也已经完成了, 哎... 好爽的感觉!!
至于旅游日记嘛, 我还在挣扎要不要写.
其实每个人对每件物与事都会有不同的角度和观点. 我写的不一定是对的, 只是一些非常个人的感觉.
还是鼓励各位如果有机会的话, 亲自到那些你向往的地方看看.
那种我终于到了的感觉真的很好, 然后再开心满满的回到工作岗位上继续为下一站打拼.
有时我真的觉得我的人生就是这么简单啦 :)
终于, 我的旅途顺利完成.
没有争执, 没有班车/飞机延迟; 没有误车/误机, 一切都非常顺利,平安. 老土的说一句, 感谢上天的眷顾与保佑.
更重要的收尾工作现在也已经完成了, 哎... 好爽的感觉!!
至于旅游日记嘛, 我还在挣扎要不要写.
其实每个人对每件物与事都会有不同的角度和观点. 我写的不一定是对的, 只是一些非常个人的感觉.
还是鼓励各位如果有机会的话, 亲自到那些你向往的地方看看.
那种我终于到了的感觉真的很好, 然后再开心满满的回到工作岗位上继续为下一站打拼.
有时我真的觉得我的人生就是这么简单啦 :)
Thursday, December 02, 2010
雪下了两天, 今天停了. 路面上的雪开始融化,但是由于气温一直不下来,导致雪融的不全,变成冰了.
我今早照常骑上我的‘小红’上班, 已经是非常小心了. 在离家不远的路口想着要减速然后拐弯, 就在我打brake的时候,zhit~ 的一声, 完全不受控制之下,我kuah la kuah la 的摔倒了...
还好穿着牛仔裤,而且速度真的很慢,所以没擦破皮, 就是会淤青一段时间.
小红的头也歪了, 但是我过后还是继续骑着它上班. 所以其实还好啦, 就是疼, 没骨折什么的.
其实这里下雪时, 都会有人负责间断地清理行驶路面, 比如铲雪啦, 撒盐啦什么的. 目的是把车辆或人行道整出一条能走的路, 尽量避免意外发生. 要不然如果意外发生了, 那么业主或屋主可能会被告上法庭, 会罚款的.
就是说这里每个人对社会都有他的责任, 每个人都必需保证自己的行为不会伤害别人/导致别人发生意外, 不然他就要付出代价了. 这是很好的态度.
我觉得可能我摔倒的那条道路是小路吧, 工作做的没那么好. 当我骑到大马路时,就非常容易行驶了,基本上没有冰是冻结在路面上的. 我只能说这次的意外是我的愚蠢, 没有做好思想准备, 就是遇上应该怎么应付结冰的路面, 什么时候能骑什么时候不能骑, 我没有很仔细的想过, 所以意外是早晚会发生的事.
有时候我真的这么认为, 你别以为某人很勇敢, 其实某人是完全没考虑到细节, 而茫茫然的就去做了.
好听的是有勇无谋, 更直接的是愚勇. 就傻瓜一个.
摔倒? 活该!
我今早照常骑上我的‘小红’上班, 已经是非常小心了. 在离家不远的路口想着要减速然后拐弯, 就在我打brake的时候,zhit~ 的一声, 完全不受控制之下,我kuah la kuah la 的摔倒了...
还好穿着牛仔裤,而且速度真的很慢,所以没擦破皮, 就是会淤青一段时间.
小红的头也歪了, 但是我过后还是继续骑着它上班. 所以其实还好啦, 就是疼, 没骨折什么的.
其实这里下雪时, 都会有人负责间断地清理行驶路面, 比如铲雪啦, 撒盐啦什么的. 目的是把车辆或人行道整出一条能走的路, 尽量避免意外发生. 要不然如果意外发生了, 那么业主或屋主可能会被告上法庭, 会罚款的.
就是说这里每个人对社会都有他的责任, 每个人都必需保证自己的行为不会伤害别人/导致别人发生意外, 不然他就要付出代价了. 这是很好的态度.
我觉得可能我摔倒的那条道路是小路吧, 工作做的没那么好. 当我骑到大马路时,就非常容易行驶了,基本上没有冰是冻结在路面上的. 我只能说这次的意外是我的愚蠢, 没有做好思想准备, 就是遇上应该怎么应付结冰的路面, 什么时候能骑什么时候不能骑, 我没有很仔细的想过, 所以意外是早晚会发生的事.
有时候我真的这么认为, 你别以为某人很勇敢, 其实某人是完全没考虑到细节, 而茫茫然的就去做了.
好听的是有勇无谋, 更直接的是愚勇. 就傻瓜一个.
摔倒? 活该!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Venice photos are ready as well
Venice, or Venizia in Italy's name is the place we like the most.
Burano, a colorful & very small island
Muraon, a glass making island
and the Venice itself has lot's of nice places that only can be reach by walk
We see no car, no bike in all these islands.
The goods are delivered by man that pushing the trolley around. So, it's no doubt that the expenses in this island is much higher than the other place.
But you will like the peace and calm environment here.
I like the sound of the wave very very much, I start to love this place when we landed and reach to the water bus station.
Maybe is because I am from a rural place, small city with water always is the top in my favorite list.
Enjoy the photos :)
Burano, a colorful & very small island
Muraon, a glass making island
and the Venice itself has lot's of nice places that only can be reach by walk
We see no car, no bike in all these islands.
The goods are delivered by man that pushing the trolley around. So, it's no doubt that the expenses in this island is much higher than the other place.
But you will like the peace and calm environment here.
I like the sound of the wave very very much, I start to love this place when we landed and reach to the water bus station.
Maybe is because I am from a rural place, small city with water always is the top in my favorite list.
Enjoy the photos :)
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Paris, Vatican & Rome photos are ready for view
Created few photo albums in Picasa, please checks the right side for the link: Paris, Vatican & Rome.
Already feel very tire with the photo uploading, I think the notes will come much late after this.
There are still few places yet to upload the photo:
- Venice
- Florence
- Milano
- Verona
The first 2 places has a lot of photos
Or maybe I should write some for those uploaded photos, then only continue on photos posting.
Already feel very tire with the photo uploading, I think the notes will come much late after this.
There are still few places yet to upload the photo:
- Venice
- Florence
- Milano
- Verona
The first 2 places has a lot of photos
Or maybe I should write some for those uploaded photos, then only continue on photos posting.
Friday, November 26, 2010
back from the long trip
I'm back to the Frankfurt apartment, in fact was back on 24th Nov night, so it's now already the 2nd day after the trip.
It was a very very nice trip, almost perfect!
The little 'problem' was the rain while we are in the Florence, but I think we are very lucky that ONLY this place was rain a lot, other was just nice weather.
And one big surprise is that we saw the Pope in the Vatican!!!
I am not sure what is the event going on that day, only know that the Pope was pray for the people on that day. We were so surprise to meet him, although we are not his follower, but he is a big guy which may not been seen easily in the public. I think we were bless with this good luck :)
I will try to post each place we visited slowly in coming days, it will be another big project for me, need a lot of time to do it.
And now, in Frankfurt, it is getting very cold.
My brother & his wife had depart from Frankfurt this morning, while on the way to the airport, it was snow here!! They were happy because it seems like they enjoy everything they can in this trip already. Experience with plane, train, boat, a lot of walk, rain, and snow. What else we can expect for a budget travel ?
Snow in the morning
It was a very very nice trip, almost perfect!
The little 'problem' was the rain while we are in the Florence, but I think we are very lucky that ONLY this place was rain a lot, other was just nice weather.
And one big surprise is that we saw the Pope in the Vatican!!!
I am not sure what is the event going on that day, only know that the Pope was pray for the people on that day. We were so surprise to meet him, although we are not his follower, but he is a big guy which may not been seen easily in the public. I think we were bless with this good luck :)
I will try to post each place we visited slowly in coming days, it will be another big project for me, need a lot of time to do it.
And now, in Frankfurt, it is getting very cold.
My brother & his wife had depart from Frankfurt this morning, while on the way to the airport, it was snow here!! They were happy because it seems like they enjoy everything they can in this trip already. Experience with plane, train, boat, a lot of walk, rain, and snow. What else we can expect for a budget travel ?
Friday, November 12, 2010
OooO yeah, my trip to Paris & Italy!
Counting down for the day! :)
The itinerary will be like this:
Vacation on Nov 2010
City @ date
Weather forecast doesn't seems to be good, it is going to rain in the few cities that we going to visit.
Well...nothing we can do, except keep it easy, relax & enjoy!
The itinerary will be like this:

Weather forecast doesn't seems to be good, it is going to rain in the few cities that we going to visit.
Well...nothing we can do, except keep it easy, relax & enjoy!
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
最近这几周忙着安排旅行的行程, 没啥时间更新.
我看到很多身边朋友的家庭, 比较起来我家人的关系是比较...嗯...就那个好听的是独立,难听的就是你死你的事, 每个人都应该自己解决问题. 可能是年龄差距的关系, 我童年的时候他们都外出工作了, 一年就见那几次面, 关系真的非常一般.
还有, 其实我心里有很多结打不开.
曾经我向他们提出要求帮帮忙, 就比较花时间心思的忙, 结果是他们会告诉你他们很忙, 你自己搞掂它.
要知道我是从来不跟他们要求什么, 第一次就撞墙, 而且那时我也已经是20岁人了, 感觉非常的挫折, 我可是挣扎好多天才硬着头皮问一问的....
一次的拒绝, 他们就从我的救命名单里去除了, 我现在的心态是我不烦你, 你也别烦我.
联系最多的是和我一起住的姐姐, 但是从大连回来后我也觉得她其实也不是那么关心我的情况.
所以在我出差到Frankfurt的日子里, 比较从前在大连,我也少打了,聊来聊去就那几duk屁, sien lor.
旁人说我很独立, 我其实也想有人给我依赖一下.
真的很羡慕那些互相关心的家庭, 说真的我不会是一个很会关心别人的人,因为有时我觉得我都有点变态冷血了.
嗯....貌似我原有的稿子不是这样的, 怎么写着写着变味了...hmm....
试着怎么和家人相处, 试着看怎么可以回馈他们在我念书期间的金钱资助.
但是距离融洽这两个字, 还真相差十万八千里啊~~~
我看到很多身边朋友的家庭, 比较起来我家人的关系是比较...嗯...就那个好听的是独立,难听的就是你死你的事, 每个人都应该自己解决问题. 可能是年龄差距的关系, 我童年的时候他们都外出工作了, 一年就见那几次面, 关系真的非常一般.
还有, 其实我心里有很多结打不开.
曾经我向他们提出要求帮帮忙, 就比较花时间心思的忙, 结果是他们会告诉你他们很忙, 你自己搞掂它.
要知道我是从来不跟他们要求什么, 第一次就撞墙, 而且那时我也已经是20岁人了, 感觉非常的挫折, 我可是挣扎好多天才硬着头皮问一问的....
一次的拒绝, 他们就从我的救命名单里去除了, 我现在的心态是我不烦你, 你也别烦我.
联系最多的是和我一起住的姐姐, 但是从大连回来后我也觉得她其实也不是那么关心我的情况.
所以在我出差到Frankfurt的日子里, 比较从前在大连,我也少打了,聊来聊去就那几duk屁, sien lor.
旁人说我很独立, 我其实也想有人给我依赖一下.
真的很羡慕那些互相关心的家庭, 说真的我不会是一个很会关心别人的人,因为有时我觉得我都有点变态冷血了.
嗯....貌似我原有的稿子不是这样的, 怎么写着写着变味了...hmm....
试着怎么和家人相处, 试着看怎么可以回馈他们在我念书期间的金钱资助.
但是距离融洽这两个字, 还真相差十万八千里啊~~~
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Trip planning - Paris, seems like the trip is too short!!
我上次去不知道, 这次去可能不够时间... 因为要安排大半天给罗浮宫...后悔啊
如果你有计划到巴黎的话, 建议至少 3 天, 是 full 3 days
1 天罗浮宫
1 天皇宫, 就是这二中选一: Palace of Versailles, Château de Fontainebleau
1 天其它市里的景点
而且有些景点是白天要去一次, 天黑在去一次的, 呵呵
看来这巴黎还真不小啊, 我低估了它... -_- !!
我上次去不知道, 这次去可能不够时间... 因为要安排大半天给罗浮宫...后悔啊
如果你有计划到巴黎的话, 建议至少 3 天, 是 full 3 days
1 天罗浮宫
1 天皇宫, 就是这二中选一: Palace of Versailles, Château de Fontainebleau
1 天其它市里的景点
而且有些景点是白天要去一次, 天黑在去一次的, 呵呵
看来这巴黎还真不小啊, 我低估了它... -_- !!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Dinner DIY - 薯泥
雨天, 出不了市里逛逛, post个关于做薯泥的’经验’.
话说有天我在公司cafeteria吃了一餐配薯泥的午餐, 发现很好吃, 是我很喜欢的味道, 就是奶味和牛油味的东西.
第一次, 太多奶了, 很湿
第二次, 非常有专业水准了. 我为我自己自豪啊,哈哈哈!
1. 把薯仔切成颗粒,放进水里煮至软软, 大概20 - 30分钟能好
2. 取出薯仔,加入鲜奶,用力压扁那一颗颗的薯仔, 觉得太干的话, 就加多些鲜奶. 所以呢,这步骤是边压边加奶, 而且挺费劲的一个步骤
3. 差不多了,就加入牛油
我觉得主要‘功夫’是是要趁着热度把 2 和 3 搞定, 其它的没啥技巧可言
还有, 其实超市有卖那些薯泥粉, 应该会更简单.
但是我这人有点死脑筋, 我觉得那些东西太化学化了, 不够纯正, 我不喜欢 :)
话说有天我在公司cafeteria吃了一餐配薯泥的午餐, 发现很好吃, 是我很喜欢的味道, 就是奶味和牛油味的东西.
第一次, 太多奶了, 很湿
第二次, 非常有专业水准了. 我为我自己自豪啊,哈哈哈!
1. 把薯仔切成颗粒,放进水里煮至软软, 大概20 - 30分钟能好
2. 取出薯仔,加入鲜奶,用力压扁那一颗颗的薯仔, 觉得太干的话, 就加多些鲜奶. 所以呢,这步骤是边压边加奶, 而且挺费劲的一个步骤
3. 差不多了,就加入牛油
我觉得主要‘功夫’是是要趁着热度把 2 和 3 搞定, 其它的没啥技巧可言
还有, 其实超市有卖那些薯泥粉, 应该会更简单.
但是我这人有点死脑筋, 我觉得那些东西太化学化了, 不够纯正, 我不喜欢 :)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Cabut gigi again....
Finally I extracted the other teeth, it was cracked very serious, until pain like hell when I touch it with my tongue.
The dentist is very very nice & professional.
Dr. Joanna Vorhauser as well: http://praxis-vorhauser.de/
She is friendly, very patient to explain the problem, and I think the charges is reasonable and acceptable. It cost Euro 55 for the x-ray & extraction. One thing impress me is that she try to help my teeth, at first she take out the cracked part to check if it is possible to made a filling instead of remove the teeth. Just too bad my teeth was cracked till very deep level already, until the root.
There is another choice other than extraction, 挑牙根
But this need to be done in 2 session, and it cost about 800 Euro.
I think it would be cheaper to implant a teeth later in MY.
So, I loose my 2nd teeth in this year. Sad... but I am happy that I can chew and eat without any worry now :)
2nd cracked teeth in year 2010!!
The dentist is very very nice & professional.
Dr. Joanna Vorhauser as well: http://praxis-vorhauser.de/
She is friendly, very patient to explain the problem, and I think the charges is reasonable and acceptable. It cost Euro 55 for the x-ray & extraction. One thing impress me is that she try to help my teeth, at first she take out the cracked part to check if it is possible to made a filling instead of remove the teeth. Just too bad my teeth was cracked till very deep level already, until the root.
There is another choice other than extraction, 挑牙根
But this need to be done in 2 session, and it cost about 800 Euro.
I think it would be cheaper to implant a teeth later in MY.
So, I loose my 2nd teeth in this year. Sad... but I am happy that I can chew and eat without any worry now :)
Monday, October 04, 2010
Trip planning - part 1
For past 1 week, my after work task is about the trip planning.
Thanks for Catherine Lo Lily, AuYong, Joey and a China colleagu's suggestion, they points me to a lot of useful link.
I was 'dive' into these sites, to compare the price, to checks the reviews, and finally to makes booking.
So these are the websites I visited for different purpose:
1. FB pages 背包客栈 for recommendation
2. Tripadvisor for review
3. Hostelworld.com to lookup accommodation
4. Booking.com to lookup accommodation (the listing here may be a little bit expensive as compare to #3)
5. the 穷游 (www.go2eu.com) (This is a forum for China people, so... I am not too much into this, but there is some good recommendation for the guest house)
6. bahn.de for train ticket booking, I used it for depart from Germany, and back to Germany
7. Italy's train website, for train tickets within Italy. This website is good, but I faced problem when I made payment by credit card. I am a little bit worry on it, because I tried 2 times, one of it, the browser crashed; the later one, it show the payment rejected. I am not too sure should I try again or not.... I am thinking to wait for few days, call back to Citibank to see if any transaction being done on this or not before made further booking with this website..
Up till now, I had books most of the hotel & tickets already, can say is 70% completed. Next week will be still busy with this, really a big project! :p
Thanks for Catherine Lo Lily, AuYong, Joey and a China colleagu's suggestion, they points me to a lot of useful link.
I was 'dive' into these sites, to compare the price, to checks the reviews, and finally to makes booking.
So these are the websites I visited for different purpose:
1. FB pages 背包客栈 for recommendation
2. Tripadvisor for review
3. Hostelworld.com to lookup accommodation
4. Booking.com to lookup accommodation (the listing here may be a little bit expensive as compare to #3)
5. the 穷游 (www.go2eu.com) (This is a forum for China people, so... I am not too much into this, but there is some good recommendation for the guest house)
6. bahn.de for train ticket booking, I used it for depart from Germany, and back to Germany
7. Italy's train website, for train tickets within Italy. This website is good, but I faced problem when I made payment by credit card. I am a little bit worry on it, because I tried 2 times, one of it, the browser crashed; the later one, it show the payment rejected. I am not too sure should I try again or not.... I am thinking to wait for few days, call back to Citibank to see if any transaction being done on this or not before made further booking with this website..
Up till now, I had books most of the hotel & tickets already, can say is 70% completed. Next week will be still busy with this, really a big project! :p
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Backpack travelling 没那么简单啊
Start to plan for the trips around Nov when my brother is come over with his wife.
Due to the concern of budget, not an easy tasks neh ... more difficult that algebra math~~
If money is not an issue, just bought the pass that easiest to get, hop in the train, then gao dim. Problem is have to compare how to make the transportation & hotel rate cheaper, got to search and compare different offers that can find thru web ...
I think the most important thing is decide the routes, checks the price that can get from different web site, then choose the cheapest one. I still no clear clue on this yet...time is running out. Again is my laziness that make it last minute job lah :p
Wish to get something out by first week of Oct. The earlier the planning, the cheaper tickets may be available.
For money, GAMBATEH!!
Due to the concern of budget, not an easy tasks neh ... more difficult that algebra math~~
If money is not an issue, just bought the pass that easiest to get, hop in the train, then gao dim. Problem is have to compare how to make the transportation & hotel rate cheaper, got to search and compare different offers that can find thru web ...
I think the most important thing is decide the routes, checks the price that can get from different web site, then choose the cheapest one. I still no clear clue on this yet...time is running out. Again is my laziness that make it last minute job lah :p
Wish to get something out by first week of Oct. The earlier the planning, the cheaper tickets may be available.
For money, GAMBATEH!!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
心里感觉挺开心的, 没有特别想家, 因为家里已经提前在 Raya 那个周末庆祝了, 那天我还真有点遗憾, 因为好像都回去了eh...除了我, 家里好久好久没试过这么人齐了, 过年也不会这么齐 :( 哎....
不说啦, 回到今天的主题
天气很暖和, 我 17.45 下班回家了, 因为我想骑车到城里逛逛.
天气预报说,下周开始陆续降温了, 秋天已经来到 (中秋还真是个发生在秋天的日子 :p), 所以抱着有暖风吹的时候尽量吹的心态,我 18.30 出发了
19:30 以后,天开始黑了, 终于可以拍到月亮小姐在 Mainz 河畔的容貌
Let's share the moon, a good phrase that shared by a friend in FB :)
不说啦, 回到今天的主题
天气很暖和, 我 17.45 下班回家了, 因为我想骑车到城里逛逛.
天气预报说,下周开始陆续降温了, 秋天已经来到 (中秋还真是个发生在秋天的日子 :p), 所以抱着有暖风吹的时候尽量吹的心态,我 18.30 出发了
19:30 以后,天开始黑了, 终于可以拍到月亮小姐在 Mainz 河畔的容貌
Let's share the moon, a good phrase that shared by a friend in FB :)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
the stamps
Look at these stamps, how do u feel about it?
I feel it is very 儿戏 lor, especially the amount printed, make me feel like we can just print it out ourself in a color printer.
I bought it from a vending machine, there is an option where I can specify how much I want to print on the stamp, so means the number value on the stamp was enter by me, then the machine will print it on the spot. The machine I used is not able to return the change in cash, it will always print the remaining money on the stamps, but luckily I got ngam ngam enough coin to buy it.
Posting fee back to Malaysia is 1 Euro neh, the post card cost 0.50 Euro only, the stamp is even more expensive -_-!!
My family are all old fashion, so, email, FB, picasa web and etc doesn't work for them, a postcard maybe made them feel more real of the city I stay now :)
I feel it is very 儿戏 lor, especially the amount printed, make me feel like we can just print it out ourself in a color printer.
I bought it from a vending machine, there is an option where I can specify how much I want to print on the stamp, so means the number value on the stamp was enter by me, then the machine will print it on the spot. The machine I used is not able to return the change in cash, it will always print the remaining money on the stamps, but luckily I got ngam ngam enough coin to buy it.
Posting fee back to Malaysia is 1 Euro neh, the post card cost 0.50 Euro only, the stamp is even more expensive -_-!!
My family are all old fashion, so, email, FB, picasa web and etc doesn't work for them, a postcard maybe made them feel more real of the city I stay now :)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Cycling route - the R3 - 2nd try
In term of distance, not much progress as compare to last week, only 2.2 KM more. So total is about 20 k.m for 1 way
In term of time, I able to make it half an hour more, means total cycle time is 3 hrs. 3 hrs for 40 k.m, so u can imagine how easy to cycle here, the road mostly are flat.
Was making my way back in an area that look very scary to me :p
荒芜一片, Google translator give an English translation -> barren!
While on my way back, had pay more attention to the road sign, and I notice that there is one telling the distance is about 20 k.m to the Mainz.
It took me 1.5 hr for the first 20 k.m, to this place, and I need to made another 20 k.m. It is not just as easy as just add another 1.5 hrs, my energy is getting less as more distance I had cycle.
So, for next week, I think I will try to go with this sign board, 7 KM from where I made a return back this week, will see how I feel after that next week.
And thanks God that the weather is nice, nothing went wrong with my bike also.
I try to Google for any cycling activity on the weekend, I really hope can find a group that I can join, will be feeling safer with it.
After all, I think taking care of my own safety, my own well-being is my responsibility, I shouldn't put myself into too much risk. I should return home in complete pieces ;)
But too bad, nothing found yet...
In term of time, I able to make it half an hour more, means total cycle time is 3 hrs. 3 hrs for 40 k.m, so u can imagine how easy to cycle here, the road mostly are flat.
Was making my way back in an area that look very scary to me :p
荒芜一片, Google translator give an English translation -> barren!
While on my way back, had pay more attention to the road sign, and I notice that there is one telling the distance is about 20 k.m to the Mainz.
It took me 1.5 hr for the first 20 k.m, to this place, and I need to made another 20 k.m. It is not just as easy as just add another 1.5 hrs, my energy is getting less as more distance I had cycle.
So, for next week, I think I will try to go with this sign board, 7 KM from where I made a return back this week, will see how I feel after that next week.
And thanks God that the weather is nice, nothing went wrong with my bike also.
I try to Google for any cycling activity on the weekend, I really hope can find a group that I can join, will be feeling safer with it.
After all, I think taking care of my own safety, my own well-being is my responsibility, I shouldn't put myself into too much risk. I should return home in complete pieces ;)
But too bad, nothing found yet...
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Cycling route - the R3 - first stop - Kelsterbach
As posted earlier, I made my way back after reach to the 'B' - Kelsterbach, a small old town which look like a tourist place for me.
Found this wall is interesting
But I like this the most, I love the feel of it.
It is very peace in mind, sitting together in a nice evening, looking to the big river, surrounded by the green trees, colorful flower, quite, relax, oh man, this is life!
This church looks nice, I like the color combination.
Found this wall is interesting
But I like this the most, I love the feel of it.
It is very peace in mind, sitting together in a nice evening, looking to the big river, surrounded by the green trees, colorful flower, quite, relax, oh man, this is life!
This church looks nice, I like the color combination.
Cycling route - the R3 - first try
Without any details plan ahead, i went to cycle along the river side today.
I only has an idea that I want to cycle from my place to the join of the Main river into the Rhein river. Why? Don't know, I just want to see the Rhein river 德国的莱茵河, the only impression I have about this country.
After BACK from the cycling, I got this from Google map"
The red line is what I 'want' to do, and it is about 30km ++ !!! I only able cycle form A to B, which is 10 km ++
It took me 2.5 hrs for the return trip. Not really very tired, but I think I should take food in between the trip, I feel a bit out of strength in the way back
Well, the bicycle route is not really just straight away along the river. In fact I think they did plan this route to bypass different view to make the route more interesting. I passed by river view, passed by farm view, passed-by small village, passed by high-way, cycling up hill and down hill a bit, and most important, has to follow the route's sign board neh, i never think of this before I make my move -_-!!
this is not the youngest kid I saw, but just want to tell, they start in very young age about cycling
How's the feel about this first trip?
I strongly think I am really not well organize, 就是所谓的有勇无谋啦
1. I didn't have any direction in my mind
2. I didn't have the bicycle route map with me --> so means I am not sure R3 is the one I should follow or not, but I just see the Rhein word :D
3. I didn't prepare anything for emergency plan, I don't know what should I do if anything happen to my bicycle
4. I didn't prepare enough dry food, I only bring 1 banana & 1 little chocolate cake with me
All after all, is because I don't have idea how far I am going to cycle out. I under-estimate the effort.
So, with this first experience, I have better feeling.
I need to get a bicycle route map, should be be able to get a free copy in the train station; and I need to get the gas pump for my bicycle, maybe I should look for this in the flea market. So, hopefully this Saturday I can do something on this lah. (must do it on Sat., Sun nothing is in business here)
I only has an idea that I want to cycle from my place to the join of the Main river into the Rhein river. Why? Don't know, I just want to see the Rhein river 德国的莱茵河, the only impression I have about this country.
After BACK from the cycling, I got this from Google map"

It took me 2.5 hrs for the return trip. Not really very tired, but I think I should take food in between the trip, I feel a bit out of strength in the way back
Well, the bicycle route is not really just straight away along the river. In fact I think they did plan this route to bypass different view to make the route more interesting. I passed by river view, passed by farm view, passed-by small village, passed by high-way, cycling up hill and down hill a bit, and most important, has to follow the route's sign board neh, i never think of this before I make my move -_-!!
How's the feel about this first trip?
I strongly think I am really not well organize, 就是所谓的有勇无谋啦
1. I didn't have any direction in my mind
2. I didn't have the bicycle route map with me --> so means I am not sure R3 is the one I should follow or not, but I just see the Rhein word :D
3. I didn't prepare anything for emergency plan, I don't know what should I do if anything happen to my bicycle
4. I didn't prepare enough dry food, I only bring 1 banana & 1 little chocolate cake with me
All after all, is because I don't have idea how far I am going to cycle out. I under-estimate the effort.
So, with this first experience, I have better feeling.
I need to get a bicycle route map, should be be able to get a free copy in the train station; and I need to get the gas pump for my bicycle, maybe I should look for this in the flea market. So, hopefully this Saturday I can do something on this lah. (must do it on Sat., Sun nothing is in business here)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
最近逛 FB 的感言...
请问, 当你看到15岁不到的女生说:"你再也没有资格说爱我", "男人不懂女人的痛"
我 15 x 2 再加 xx 岁,还没搞懂什么是女人的痛....
我到底是不幸还是太过好运啊?连痛都不懂.... -_- !!!
请问, 当你看到15岁不到的女生说:"你再也没有资格说爱我", "男人不懂女人的痛"
我 15 x 2 再加 xx 岁,还没搞懂什么是女人的痛....
我到底是不幸还是太过好运啊?连痛都不懂.... -_- !!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
很sien咯, 不懂为什么sien的时候, 心里很容易骂粗口咯
有时都觉得自己有点变态, 搞不清楚这是什么状况咯
Hari raya + long weekend, 他们趁机提前庆祝中秋咯
我家好久好久没有这么团圆咯, 即使过年, 也是有些回去有些因为工作回不去咯
哎, 老爸老妈应该很开心咯
如果我在家的话, 也会喝上好几杯, 然后听着他们老调重弹又重弹咯
哎, 我真很sien咯
还有感觉很想念Amsterdam咯 (就在看了朋友在FB的照片以后咯)
不知道我到底是想念那时候的时光, 还是我真的很喜欢那个地方, 我都不知道我在想什么咯
哎哎哎, 我真很tmd 要 sien 死了咯
有时都觉得自己有点变态, 搞不清楚这是什么状况咯
Hari raya + long weekend, 他们趁机提前庆祝中秋咯
我家好久好久没有这么团圆咯, 即使过年, 也是有些回去有些因为工作回不去咯
哎, 老爸老妈应该很开心咯
如果我在家的话, 也会喝上好几杯, 然后听着他们老调重弹又重弹咯
哎, 我真很sien咯
还有感觉很想念Amsterdam咯 (就在看了朋友在FB的照片以后咯)
不知道我到底是想念那时候的时光, 还是我真的很喜欢那个地方, 我都不知道我在想什么咯
哎哎哎, 我真很tmd 要 sien 死了咯
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Dinner DIY - 罗宋汤
OK.. think of this since weekend, but due to lack of tomato & carrot, not able to make it.
Today went to the supermarket to get that 2 thing, again this carrot is selling in 2 k.g pack, I really want to faint...
So, start the cooking :p
But actually all are only about peeling & cutting the ingredient into cubes, then dump it to the water to boil it together, no skill at all.
See, I am very generous to put very 'gao' ingredient
Took me about 45 minutes to prepare all the thing, bcoz i have to peel with the normal knife, no proper peeler tool in this apartment. So, start to boil...
So, turn the light to lower, then I took my bath.
Taste how?
85% of what I like it to be, but problem is I am not too sure what cause the missing 15% :D :D
Maybe next time I should try to put more tomato in the ratio...
This soup is really nice, I even missed this when I was in KL, my sister seldom cook nowadays. And I hate to drink soup selling outside.
Conclusion: I have a very nice evening with this warm 罗宋汤 ;)
Today went to the supermarket to get that 2 thing, again this carrot is selling in 2 k.g pack, I really want to faint...
So, start the cooking :p
But actually all are only about peeling & cutting the ingredient into cubes, then dump it to the water to boil it together, no skill at all.
See, I am very generous to put very 'gao' ingredient
Took me about 45 minutes to prepare all the thing, bcoz i have to peel with the normal knife, no proper peeler tool in this apartment. So, start to boil...
So, turn the light to lower, then I took my bath.
Taste how?
85% of what I like it to be, but problem is I am not too sure what cause the missing 15% :D :D
Maybe next time I should try to put more tomato in the ratio...
This soup is really nice, I even missed this when I was in KL, my sister seldom cook nowadays. And I hate to drink soup selling outside.
Conclusion: I have a very nice evening with this warm 罗宋汤 ;)
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Adjustable leg belt - DIY
With my bicycle, I ride to work everyday, and now I found pant is getting dirty at the part that near to the cycling part.
So, I should get a leg belt to bundle my pant, but I don't know where to get it.
Today I cycle to the city for some shopping, then in the shopping mall, when I saw these thing, it make me think of making it myself!! Well, not that I am smart OK, the thing display there make me think of the possibility to make an adjustable leg belt.
So, these are the thing I bought
I sew the 'head' part, make it like a belt, and this is the result
Good da, tried it, and it fit very well ;)
So, I should get a leg belt to bundle my pant, but I don't know where to get it.
Today I cycle to the city for some shopping, then in the shopping mall, when I saw these thing, it make me think of making it myself!! Well, not that I am smart OK, the thing display there make me think of the possibility to make an adjustable leg belt.
So, these are the thing I bought
I sew the 'head' part, make it like a belt, and this is the result
Good da, tried it, and it fit very well ;)
Friday, September 03, 2010
Dinner DIY - 荷兰薯焖猪肉
Am happy today as my task can consider as finished as what I had planned to, so today I went off earlier. Leaving office by 5.30 p.m, so think of making a new try for my dinner.
My mind was thinking of 荷兰薯焖猪肉, so head to the supermarket to get the material.
It's so bad that the potato & onion is only selling in big pack, so I bought 2.5 k.g potato and 2 k.g. onion, I got to somehow think how to finish them in coming days .... -_-!!
After about 1 hr, here is the result:
Also, I boiled few potatoes as the replacement for the rice. Put some butter when it is hot hot, then it taste quite nice! I learn it from my ex-PM in Amsterdam when he cook the dinner during my visit to his family. Ai.. I missed them.. they are very nice couples...
My mind was thinking of 荷兰薯焖猪肉, so head to the supermarket to get the material.
It's so bad that the potato & onion is only selling in big pack, so I bought 2.5 k.g potato and 2 k.g. onion, I got to somehow think how to finish them in coming days .... -_-!!
After about 1 hr, here is the result:
Hahah.. oklah, it is not 荷兰薯焖猪肉, but ends up it is 荷兰薯炒猪肉. how's the taste? I would say, not too bad lah (*^__^*)
Also, I boiled few potatoes as the replacement for the rice. Put some butter when it is hot hot, then it taste quite nice! I learn it from my ex-PM in Amsterdam when he cook the dinner during my visit to his family. Ai.. I missed them.. they are very nice couples...
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
就几个月前拔了那颗困扰我好久的右边大牙, 然后吃东西毫无禁忌的东咬西咬, 不用顾忌着一不小心就咬到右边的牙, 痛得我喊老天 + 老妈.
哪知道现在才那几个月, 反而到左边的某一颗牙在作怪了, 感觉就像以前一样的难受, 只要不小心弄到那个痛处, 真的是痛得要命....
好后悔没一次拔光光啊, 然后都装上假的, 看它还能不能作怪!
现在只能祈祷它不会在这几个月里终告彻底要报销, 还记得上一次由于刚好碰上 1月1日假期, 要拔没得拔的痛苦, 很恐怖的... %>_<%
牙啊牙, 回去再疼吧, 好不? 拜托啦...
就几个月前拔了那颗困扰我好久的右边大牙, 然后吃东西毫无禁忌的东咬西咬, 不用顾忌着一不小心就咬到右边的牙, 痛得我喊老天 + 老妈.
哪知道现在才那几个月, 反而到左边的某一颗牙在作怪了, 感觉就像以前一样的难受, 只要不小心弄到那个痛处, 真的是痛得要命....
好后悔没一次拔光光啊, 然后都装上假的, 看它还能不能作怪!
现在只能祈祷它不会在这几个月里终告彻底要报销, 还记得上一次由于刚好碰上 1月1日假期, 要拔没得拔的痛苦, 很恐怖的... %>_<%
牙啊牙, 回去再疼吧, 好不? 拜托啦...
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Museumsuferfest @ river side
It's a big festival going on along the city river side since last Friday evening, I only get my butt move to visit it today.
Not too sure what's really is the festival's theme, although the name suggest something like 'museum', but i see nothing much really has relation with it. Basically there are a lot of stalls, selling drinks, food, snack, and of course some music performance.
Snap some photos, but not uploaded to the album yet. Here just to show the band that I think is leng zai a bit lah, so, who like it, can save it as wall paper, 嘻嘻……(*^__^*)
Not too sure what's really is the festival's theme, although the name suggest something like 'museum', but i see nothing much really has relation with it. Basically there are a lot of stalls, selling drinks, food, snack, and of course some music performance.
Snap some photos, but not uploaded to the album yet. Here just to show the band that I think is leng zai a bit lah, so, who like it, can save it as wall paper, 嘻嘻……(*^__^*)
i got a bike ^_^
Finally i manage to buy a bicycle from the flea market here. oh yeah ~~
this is mf's bike! they call this mountain bike
The flea market only in action on every Saturday, 9 am. - 14:00 pm. When I get there by the tram, it was already 13:00 pm. -_-!! (i wake up late at weekend)
People selling 2nd hand thing here, cloths, antique, shoes, blanket and etc. And surprisingly, bicycles stall is quite a lot there, I think almost 10 are there.
Quickly I walked 1 round to checks about the stall, then in 2 rounds, I saw one looks OK, but the owner not come and entertain me leh... :(
At this time, a beautiful young girl come to asked the owner for the bike next to the one I am looking. Ah ha.. good, I quickly ask her what's the owner told about the price, she response me in English, told the one I looking is 30 euro.
Hmm...Maybe my face look very innocent lor, she then told me: 'actually before this i saw another one like this, cheaper in another stall'. I asked her if I can join her to shop around the bike, bcoz I am not able to speak in German, I think she will be very helpful when I need to checks something with the seller. She happily say:'ya, why not :)'. See, 好人满天下啊 \(≧▽≦)/
So we went to some other 地摊 to hunt for cheap and nice bicycle. At last she found her city bike, cost her 25 euro.
Then she bring me to see the one she told she saw before, that old man speak so many thing to her, in German language, which I guess is selling hard his bicycle.
After my test ride, I finally make the deal lah. 25 euro for it, buy also a lock that cost 3 euro ;)
So now, how to get back to apartment? It is interesting when I chit-chat with the girl, she inspire me that I actually can ride it back :D (at first I was thought of just take the tram and go back). It's true, at most if I lost, I can still take a tram.
It is very challenging for me, I am not so good in recognize direction, what I do is I try to follow the tram route, and by looking at the buildings, I cycle a bit, walk a bit, and no surprise, I do lost in the way lah. But, after about 1.5 hr, I'm back to my apt, and just when I reach the apt. door, the rain start to drop! I am so lucky that I get back at the perfect time! Google Map show this route, only about 8 km. not too far actually:
Long post, but short summary:
- i'm very lucky to meet the gal, Rike. thx a lot to her and wish her all the best always.
- i'm very happy to get a bike
- i'm very happy that I am able to cycle back to apartment. this will make me more confident to cycle out to city next time ;)
The flea market only in action on every Saturday, 9 am. - 14:00 pm. When I get there by the tram, it was already 13:00 pm. -_-!! (i wake up late at weekend)
People selling 2nd hand thing here, cloths, antique, shoes, blanket and etc. And surprisingly, bicycles stall is quite a lot there, I think almost 10 are there.
Quickly I walked 1 round to checks about the stall, then in 2 rounds, I saw one looks OK, but the owner not come and entertain me leh... :(
At this time, a beautiful young girl come to asked the owner for the bike next to the one I am looking. Ah ha.. good, I quickly ask her what's the owner told about the price, she response me in English, told the one I looking is 30 euro.
Hmm...Maybe my face look very innocent lor, she then told me: 'actually before this i saw another one like this, cheaper in another stall'. I asked her if I can join her to shop around the bike, bcoz I am not able to speak in German, I think she will be very helpful when I need to checks something with the seller. She happily say:'ya, why not :)'. See, 好人满天下啊 \(≧▽≦)/
So we went to some other 地摊 to hunt for cheap and nice bicycle. At last she found her city bike, cost her 25 euro.
Then she bring me to see the one she told she saw before, that old man speak so many thing to her, in German language, which I guess is selling hard his bicycle.
After my test ride, I finally make the deal lah. 25 euro for it, buy also a lock that cost 3 euro ;)
So now, how to get back to apartment? It is interesting when I chit-chat with the girl, she inspire me that I actually can ride it back :D (at first I was thought of just take the tram and go back). It's true, at most if I lost, I can still take a tram.
It is very challenging for me, I am not so good in recognize direction, what I do is I try to follow the tram route, and by looking at the buildings, I cycle a bit, walk a bit, and no surprise, I do lost in the way lah. But, after about 1.5 hr, I'm back to my apt, and just when I reach the apt. door, the rain start to drop! I am so lucky that I get back at the perfect time! Google Map show this route, only about 8 km. not too far actually:

Long post, but short summary:
- i'm very lucky to meet the gal, Rike. thx a lot to her and wish her all the best always.
- i'm very happy to get a bike
- i'm very happy that I am able to cycle back to apartment. this will make me more confident to cycle out to city next time ;)
Friday, August 20, 2010
about the drinking water in Frankfurt
life is really very busy here.
full 8 hrs of office work, start as early as 9 am once sit down in my place, then the work will be keep busy, sometime i do feel really exhausted in my brain after 4 p.m. ++, just very very tired. i really need to find the balance to relax myself a bit during the work...
then after work is again busy for the living necessity.
Got to rush to the supermarket once in a few days, buy food, milk, and water!
Ya.. it is a surprise for me that here is not common to drink the water from tap, the people bought the mineral water from supermarket. Also, the 'gassy' water is very common here. No special taste, but there is gas with the water. I don't like it so much, so I always have to find the word 'Still', which means water without gas.
So, buy water, it is in bottle right?
Here, they can re-fund the bottle. So means, you have to pay for the bottle first, then you re-fund it when you send back the empty bottle. Most of the supermarket has a re-fund machine where you can put in those bottles. 1 bottle is 0.25 Euro, which is near to RM 1, for me, this is a lot to just throw it away!
So, this keep me even more busy.
Buy it -> keep the bottle -> sends to supermarket to re-fund
Not a difficult job, but I just feeling this kind of thing just make me keep busy of taking care this and that.
Usually i bought 6 bottles at once, it is very heavy leh, i carry this and walk for about 5 mins ++, I think later i will have the Popeye's arm :p
full 8 hrs of office work, start as early as 9 am once sit down in my place, then the work will be keep busy, sometime i do feel really exhausted in my brain after 4 p.m. ++, just very very tired. i really need to find the balance to relax myself a bit during the work...
then after work is again busy for the living necessity.
Got to rush to the supermarket once in a few days, buy food, milk, and water!
Ya.. it is a surprise for me that here is not common to drink the water from tap, the people bought the mineral water from supermarket. Also, the 'gassy' water is very common here. No special taste, but there is gas with the water. I don't like it so much, so I always have to find the word 'Still', which means water without gas.
So, buy water, it is in bottle right?
Here, they can re-fund the bottle. So means, you have to pay for the bottle first, then you re-fund it when you send back the empty bottle. Most of the supermarket has a re-fund machine where you can put in those bottles. 1 bottle is 0.25 Euro, which is near to RM 1, for me, this is a lot to just throw it away!
So, this keep me even more busy.
Buy it -> keep the bottle -> sends to supermarket to re-fund
Not a difficult job, but I just feeling this kind of thing just make me keep busy of taking care this and that.
Usually i bought 6 bottles at once, it is very heavy leh, i carry this and walk for about 5 mins ++, I think later i will have the Popeye's arm :p
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
warm blanket found in cold night
just found a blanket that used for winter, means there are 2 blankets here, 1 for summer/spring time, 1 for autumn/winter time. Since last sunday, the weather is not too good, showering on and off the whole day, temperature is less than 20 degree, so, i am feeling very cold.
then i found the winter blanket in the closet, so nice!
really feel very grateful that i have a very nice landlord this time, basically he provide all the necessity thing, he even told me to tell what ever i think i need, he can arrange that. he allow me to move in as soon as i sign the tenancy agreement, without paying him even 1 cents my company will direct TT money to his account, i told it may took few weeks, he just happily told me not to worry on this.
and i got flat tv, got CD player, got coffee machine, got toaster, got fridge and etc, basically i just move in with my luggage and everything is there.
and i got free Wifi internet access, while my other 2 colleagues still have some problem with their apartment, i had already enjoy my apartment so much.
really thanks to my dear landlord, mr. schneider, a big tall guy, easy going guy, and a very nice guy.
感谢他, 并且深深祝福他
出门遇贵人, 不容易啊, 真的是可遇不可求的运气, o mi toh foh
then i found the winter blanket in the closet, so nice!
really feel very grateful that i have a very nice landlord this time, basically he provide all the necessity thing, he even told me to tell what ever i think i need, he can arrange that. he allow me to move in as soon as i sign the tenancy agreement, without paying him even 1 cents my company will direct TT money to his account, i told it may took few weeks, he just happily told me not to worry on this.
and i got flat tv, got CD player, got coffee machine, got toaster, got fridge and etc, basically i just move in with my luggage and everything is there.
and i got free Wifi internet access, while my other 2 colleagues still have some problem with their apartment, i had already enjoy my apartment so much.
really thanks to my dear landlord, mr. schneider, a big tall guy, easy going guy, and a very nice guy.
感谢他, 并且深深祝福他
出门遇贵人, 不容易啊, 真的是可遇不可求的运气, o mi toh foh
Friday, August 13, 2010
My apartment
Okie...here the photos come
Still not quite use to this apartment yet. For e.g. the bathroom that has a big window, I always wonder will people able to see me 'ng ng' /'xu xu' or not :D
Oh, btw, the apartment smell good whenever I back from work, I think it's due to the candles, i do feel 'home sweet home' every evening when I open the door :)
First evening in the apartment, I made myself a dinner with the famous Frankfurt sausage!!
And..tonight, still the sausage, but with more artistic look :p
Still not quite use to this apartment yet. For e.g. the bathroom that has a big window, I always wonder will people able to see me 'ng ng' /'xu xu' or not :D
Oh, btw, the apartment smell good whenever I back from work, I think it's due to the candles, i do feel 'home sweet home' every evening when I open the door :)
First evening in the apartment, I made myself a dinner with the famous Frankfurt sausage!!
And..tonight, still the sausage, but with more artistic look :p
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Finally, I got my apartment keys!
Finally I got my apartment keys, if there is no cancellation fee will be charged at hotel for the Thursday night I book, tomorrow morning I will move into my apartment!
I like this place as it is near to office, the living room is quite spacious, with small bed room, and a quite modern bathroom.
If want to name some bad thing about it is that there is no transport from the apartment to office, it is 20 mins walking distance between them. Then near by there is no supermarket, I will have to buy thing from the area near to office and bring it back.
But overall it is not too bad I think
- then i don't need to rush for the transportation (so, i will save some money from buying the transport ticket :D)
- walk will be part my of daily exercise
- the apartment is full of sunshine, i love this
Wait for my pictures in next blog! ;)
I like this place as it is near to office, the living room is quite spacious, with small bed room, and a quite modern bathroom.
If want to name some bad thing about it is that there is no transport from the apartment to office, it is 20 mins walking distance between them. Then near by there is no supermarket, I will have to buy thing from the area near to office and bring it back.
But overall it is not too bad I think
- then i don't need to rush for the transportation (so, i will save some money from buying the transport ticket :D)
- walk will be part my of daily exercise
- the apartment is full of sunshine, i love this
Wait for my pictures in next blog! ;)
Sunday, August 08, 2010
The river side & museum streets
Today my target is to walk along the Main river (美因河), and also the museums around there.
So, I took the famous bridge - Eiserner Steg to cross the river, this is an iron footbridge. Honestly it doesn't look any special for me, but it is a very important bridge that used by 10, 000 pedestrians every day.
Found myself can't stop shooting this church, it's not because it was too beautiful, but I found nothing else interesting to shoot :p
If I do have friends here, once a while bathing under the nice sun-shine, with the soft wind at the river-side, drinking beer, have some snacks, chit-chat keboh, hmm.... what a wonderful world~~
I saw this 'car' in Amsterdam also, it is 'operate' manually, these people are cycling it to make it move. These peoples really enjoy doing this, I think it's fun, but I was worry my legs are too short to join the cycling :D
Then I found so happen I was in the museum's street, a loooot of museum along this street. Art museum, communication museum, icon museum and so many others which I couldn't recall it's name and building anymore...Among them, this attracted me, something natural, ancient looking wood sculpture in front of the museum.
I really impress with their work on the greenish along the walk path, also the river bank. Walking slow in the greenly shelter path, have an ice-cream, seeing people around, that's how I spend a day here
Jogging a long the river, or just lie down on the grass will be a great weekend for me (of course it look a bit weird, but if you don't mind it, actually there is no one care about what you do there)... something I wish I will do it one day :)
So, I took the famous bridge - Eiserner Steg to cross the river, this is an iron footbridge. Honestly it doesn't look any special for me, but it is a very important bridge that used by 10, 000 pedestrians every day.
Found myself can't stop shooting this church, it's not because it was too beautiful, but I found nothing else interesting to shoot :p
If I do have friends here, once a while bathing under the nice sun-shine, with the soft wind at the river-side, drinking beer, have some snacks, chit-chat keboh, hmm.... what a wonderful world~~
I saw this 'car' in Amsterdam also, it is 'operate' manually, these people are cycling it to make it move. These peoples really enjoy doing this, I think it's fun, but I was worry my legs are too short to join the cycling :D
Then I found so happen I was in the museum's street, a loooot of museum along this street. Art museum, communication museum, icon museum and so many others which I couldn't recall it's name and building anymore...Among them, this attracted me, something natural, ancient looking wood sculpture in front of the museum.
I really impress with their work on the greenish along the walk path, also the river bank. Walking slow in the greenly shelter path, have an ice-cream, seeing people around, that's how I spend a day here
Jogging a long the river, or just lie down on the grass will be a great weekend for me (of course it look a bit weird, but if you don't mind it, actually there is no one care about what you do there)... something I wish I will do it one day :)
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