Friday, December 28, 2012

小孩 不懂世间苦啊

说是她姐的电话不好用了, 他想把自己的给她, 然后买个新的给自己。由于之前他用了他的存款做别的东西, 一时没钱, 所以开口跟我借了

这是第一次他跟我要钱, 听得出他很不好意思, 但是我也有保留, 因为听起来,他好像是要买很贵的电话. 我是那种电话不能超过几百块的人,但是他是追求着潮流的年轻人。所以我跟他说, 现在我忙着,晚点给他电话再聊.

想了下, 我打给他姐了解一下她的情况, 看是不是真的电话不能用了, 如果是的话,我会劝她买个新的,便宜能用就好

哦.... 最后发现电话其实还能用,这只不过是个借口,只因那个小弟被 爱疯5给吸引了!

我决定拒绝他了, 我让她姐跟他说一说, 然后今晚我会再打电话跟他解释一下.

我是有点担心他会生气, 但是我更不能接受的是, 为什么会不惜借钱去追求能力以外的东西呢?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Stockholm 08.12 - 16.12

I'm in work trip to Stockholm this week.

Lucky thing is that the snow storm had just over the day before we come, so I would say it's cold, but not to the extends I won't go out to enjoy the surrounding things here.

So after we had settle down in the apartment, we start to made a move to explore the town around 10 a.m.
There is Sun here, but it's just not power enough lah....

Photos album created here: Stockholm 2012

Things are very very expensive here.
For e.g. Ricola cost almost double of RM
One fridge magnet cost at least about RM 10.

They dont have EUR 1 burger selling in McD here, if not mistaken, the cheapest is like about RM 5 just for a burger.

Is that means people here money get home is a lot???