Thursday, November 21, 2013

跳, 还是不跳



但是我真的觉得很累,想到都 xian 咯

Sunday, November 10, 2013

有品 ?


就比如,她说了好几次 ’忐忑‘ 这首歌真的很好听

hhhmm... 我是连歌词都听不到它唱什么,只觉得 YouTube 里某小胖子唱得很搞笑。

我真是音痴啊,不会欣赏好料, 惭愧惭愧

Sunday, October 13, 2013


最近看到个 condo concept 很喜欢,很想买, 但是价钱真的贵到 beh ta han

虽然勉强还是可能把它买下来, 但是这么一大笔的钱, 签了个名, 就是漫漫岁月三十载要为它做牛做马了

每月还要给 maintenance fee 几百块钱, 用脑想的话, 的确是很大也不划的买卖, 但是我的心很想很想 leh....


Wednesday, October 02, 2013

那, 别再complains了!

不知道是我特别敏感, 还是我越来越小气。有时我跟人分享一下觉得很不错的东西,有些朋友总给些 negative 的回馈, 然后就告诉我他从前多么的困难, 怎样给人看遍, 吃过什么亏, 我真的会很不爽一下。

是的, 对于他们的一时失意,我非常同情。



负面的情绪,记得跟自己说,没事,都会过去的。 更好的是,记得提醒自己,能够的话,多给人方便。这边遇上的坏人,可能他旁边有个好人因此而发现你的能耐,大好机会等着你leh,真的,机遇这事,who know ?


好了,叫人别埋怨,我在这里也长篇大论的埋怨了一通,bye bye 了, 听老歌去!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


阿妈今天讲起她的老故事,说起当年跟她几位好姐妹去玩的时候到个餐馆用餐,  味道好不好忘了,但是哪天点的菜到现在还记得.





哈哈,前两个我不太能明白, 但是那个棒棍打死猪八戒真的很妙 !

Friday, August 16, 2013

i'm sad !

it is very very sad when some one u do care about showing u very very bad attitude, and speaking in a very very rude way as when we ask him/her to do what they have should done with their own discipline.

yes, not the first time my nephew speak the rude word when i force him to stop from playing his game.

consequences is i talk less and less, bcoz found no point to repeat the same story if he didn't listen it at the first time.

nowaday the teenager can tell all good thing that make you feel that they seems like change to become a better person when he is in happy mode; and then behave very nasty when the things is not going as what they wish.

what can I do ? I don't know.
Only feeling now is that lucky I am not somebody mother, there's really no big deal after all.

Just wish him good luck, wish the society would be not so cruel to these teenager.

Thursday, July 04, 2013



每当觉得东西快要搞的七七八八, 又有别的东西不停得冒出来,疲于奔命

脑袋里的画面就是我在补补补, 然后有人在不停得挖洞挖洞

又或是像有个游戏, 我不停得把冒出来的东东打打打...

我的妈!! 到底什么时候才能打倒这些怪兽!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

again, new technology does not necessaries make our life easier.

bought myself a new laptop after 4 yrs, not that the old laptop was koyak, but it's performance really big a problem for my daily coding work.

Anyway, story was not about this new laptop.
But a 'funny' thing I go thru as I want to setup a Skype on it.

The new laptop come with Win 8, so, as 'normal' logical thinking I was looking for the Skype for Win 8 installation.

All going smooth, just that when I start to use it

wth this Skype is occuping my whole screen, not as a tiny long window as before ???

Trying to search for the option to change the setting
Thought of cleaning up some of my contact, try to find the Remove Contact

All these not in the Options menu, I really ask why why why to myself many times...

You know what?
The conclusion is, I should NOT install Skype for Win 8 if I want how it looks in Win 7

There is a version call : Skype for Windows desktop which is the one I should have install

I am really sorry to tell, this naming is very confusing for me

The 'desktop' means all things NOT in the 'mobile' ? i.e. laptop is now also a desktop
All the while we are downloading software by OS, now we have to differentiate by.. what's this call, eerrr.. machine type ?

Don't know for others, I really don't like this naming strategy, thumb down .

Monday, April 22, 2013



我今天正式从替人打工, 转型至为自己打工.

今天以后, 会跟另外两个ong gui 佬开始在马来西亚有限的 IT 行业里横冲直撞, 希望即使在多次的撞墙以后, 我们还能不忘初心, 有那个打不死的决心 !!

Friday, April 05, 2013

告别, 不会完美

今天特刊, 许裕全简单的一句话, 深有感触: 再怎样的告别, 都没有完美的方式

是的, 我完完全全, 明明白白的同意. 

只要有一方不想告别, 而又留不得的时候, 会有什么完美可言?


推荐他的书, 有时间去看看他的 《从大丽花到兰花》
而且,阅读前, 千万记得告诉自己, 别哭 !

Sunday, March 03, 2013


很费劲的自己洗车, 最快的也需要一个小时, 然后应该省了 RM 8
很麻烦的自己把钱从一个银行提出, 再存入另外一个银行。 这应该省了 RM 2

然后, 发现有些 MPSJ 和 hasil tanah 的单竟然给我拖啊拖的, 终于过了最后期限 2 月 28 日, 被罚 RM 10

我很讨厌自己的拖拉性格, 但是某些方面一直都没改
有时会想, 事情发生了, 唯有把它当作个教训, 用钱来惩罚自己的错误
就像这次, 希望没有下次.

但是这种情况总是发生在这在那, 有时真的很 sien of 我自己...

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

not a very good day...

It's really bad luck today, get involved in a 4 cars accident on the way to work

no worries no worries, I am absolute fine, just the car is now in quite bad damage at these 2 parts

front's left side

back's right side

I am the 3rd car in this 4 cars accident.
The first car stop suddenly, cause the taxi in-front of me stop suddenly and hit that car,
then i am the 3rd one that hit the taxi, while there is a big Toyota Advanza hitting my back!
All in just one split second, I keep thinking is it a way I can avoid it if my skill & reaction is better.

And I learn a new traffic rules, it is OK that we change lane in the single dot line, BUT, it's ONLY OK if nothing happen, if there is any accident, the one that change lane, is 'guilty', means may get summon IF 'you don't know what to do' with it...

Oh one more note, this small car really very solid, I feel nothing when get hit, except the scary sound of the cracking lamp, while the Advanza really looks very bad at his left front. So, it's a very safe car, no regret to get it.

Monday, January 21, 2013

2013 ulala

最近 ulala 非常频繁的出现在电台和电视台广告, 我一直觉得那个公仔有点怪 , 然后也奇怪为什么公仔的名字是 ulala
今天, 逛街时听到一个小孩说: ulala ulala, 你看, 那边有ular

我才恍然大悟, 原来是我们马来西亚的 slang lah, ular - lah 就变成 ulala 咯

有时逛街一下也是很好的, 小孩也可以一语惊醒梦中人啊, 有时真觉得周边充满着神奇可爱古怪的东西neh !!

Sunday, January 06, 2013

我的日子虽不完美, 但已很好


然后发现很多很多陆续关于印度女性的新闻, 看了真的让人非常心寒, 我讶异在一个文明那么悠长的国家, 为什么那么基本的人性好像都没有进步到, 这些人的行为跟禽兽根本都没两样, 为什么会这样的??

然后你看最近好多富豪'逃离'美国, 为了是避免成为'万万税'的羔羊
然后又看到新闻关于很多很多人穷得连基本条件去应付寒冬都没有, 对他们来说, 吃饱温暖从来都没试过, 还谈什么tmd 逃税

取之社会, 用之社会不是应该的吗?
还是我根本不能想象那个税到底有多高, 没切肤之痛, 所以能大言不惭??

但是当我们看看别的世界发生着真正的人间悲剧的时候, 真的, 我们那些琐琐碎碎的算是什么

说了好多, 但是都觉得不能把我想说的说清楚, 其实就是简单的觉得, 这个世界真的是很不公平的...

Saturday, January 05, 2013

amazing light bulb

真的很佩服老外的invention, 这些灯泡真的很神奇
