Friday, December 28, 2012

小孩 不懂世间苦啊

说是她姐的电话不好用了, 他想把自己的给她, 然后买个新的给自己。由于之前他用了他的存款做别的东西, 一时没钱, 所以开口跟我借了

这是第一次他跟我要钱, 听得出他很不好意思, 但是我也有保留, 因为听起来,他好像是要买很贵的电话. 我是那种电话不能超过几百块的人,但是他是追求着潮流的年轻人。所以我跟他说, 现在我忙着,晚点给他电话再聊.

想了下, 我打给他姐了解一下她的情况, 看是不是真的电话不能用了, 如果是的话,我会劝她买个新的,便宜能用就好

哦.... 最后发现电话其实还能用,这只不过是个借口,只因那个小弟被 爱疯5给吸引了!

我决定拒绝他了, 我让她姐跟他说一说, 然后今晚我会再打电话跟他解释一下.

我是有点担心他会生气, 但是我更不能接受的是, 为什么会不惜借钱去追求能力以外的东西呢?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Stockholm 08.12 - 16.12

I'm in work trip to Stockholm this week.

Lucky thing is that the snow storm had just over the day before we come, so I would say it's cold, but not to the extends I won't go out to enjoy the surrounding things here.

So after we had settle down in the apartment, we start to made a move to explore the town around 10 a.m.
There is Sun here, but it's just not power enough lah....

Photos album created here: Stockholm 2012

Things are very very expensive here.
For e.g. Ricola cost almost double of RM
One fridge magnet cost at least about RM 10.

They dont have EUR 1 burger selling in McD here, if not mistaken, the cheapest is like about RM 5 just for a burger.

Is that means people here money get home is a lot???

Sunday, November 25, 2012


很高兴的最后能去了星云大师 '大马好' 的弘法大会

其实真的很感谢我姐姐最后能和我一起去, 不然我很大可能也就取消心里的这个念头了. 我hor, 愿心还是不够强的, 没有那种即使是我一个人, 也坚决到场的那种决心.

天空很蓝, 白云连天. 看来真的菩萨保佑. 这么好的天气, 在这雨季中算是个奇迹. 真个是老天成人美事啦

这是星云法师相隔16年后重临大马, 他老人家86高龄了, 还这么不辞劳苦的飞这飞那去弘扬佛法, 想想我这最多15 km路程的人还犹豫不决, 实在汗颜 -_- !!

法会圆满结束后, 星云大师坐着小车绕场一圈, 我试着录, 但是刚才看的结果实在蒙差差, 所以就不share了

在我忘记之前, 和你们分享下大师的四句劝导:

1. 不忘初心: 时刻提醒自己对每件事的最原始的心, 坚持把每件事做好. 法师说他十多岁出家, 一路走来, 挺辛苦, 但是他时时刻刻想到最初要出家的心愿, 就一直坚持下来, 86岁了, 做了个好和尚 (谦卑啊~~~)

2. 不请之友: 能够时, 即使朋友没问, 我们也要不请而荐, 试着帮人, 能做多少就多少. 对国家, 对社会要有贡献

3. 不念旧恶: 多记着别人的好, 忘了他们的恶

4. 不变随缘: 坚持你的原则, 但是还要记得随缘. 有些东西, 不是一定如我们所愿的, 尽力就好

好啦, 我的文笔没啥风采, 人也不特别感性, 就分享这一点了, 希望你也能感到那份法喜

oh, btw, 我看见冯以量先生oh, 但是没跟要签名 :p

btw-2, there is FB page that has a lot of photos for this event:

Saturday, November 17, 2012


我文唔得, 武又唔掂, 都几难有出头日!

Friday, October 19, 2012

哎呀, 它ok lor

在好多好多个月以后, 今天那个亲爱滴 Google Chrome 终于能够正常运行起来啦!

话说某一天, 突然它就不能正常启动了, 试了好几次重新安装, 结果还是 no luck 啊

今天心血来潮再下了个最新版本试了一试, 果然 ok 啦!

有时真的急不来啦, 有些事情让它摊冻摊冻, 搞不好某天它也就恢复如常了, 像那句什么来的:

春来花自青, 秋至叶飘零

以我粗浅的理解就是, 凡事都有它的定律啦, 不着急,顺其自然, 慢慢来吧

Sunday, October 14, 2012

oh , 阿弥陀佛啊

我觉得自己真的很善变, 不久前一通死赶乱忙的上了几个网上课程, 今天因缘际会之下, 接触到海涛法师的弘法 video.

听了几个, 就是觉得法师的声音, 故事, 说法我很容易接受, 真心喜欢听.

比如这个, 就严肃中不失搞笑的 , 那句, oh , 阿弥陀佛啊   :)

Thursday, September 27, 2012


上星期打球搞到手臂的某根筋抗议了好几天, 现在好了.

有点庆幸, 还以为明天能照常打球, 哪知今天却轮到脚趾的某根筋发脾气了.

不知道明天能好得了没有, 已经擦了些豆蔻油, 但是没感觉什么效果啊. 真的是一副老筋骨, 不是这疼, 就是那痛,  得罪不起啊 !!

Monday, September 10, 2012

i am busy

i am extremely busy recently.

1st, i try to escape the busy traffic every weekday morning, thus, i start my day MUCH MUCH earlier than my X no. of previous jobS.

Start from home by 07:00 a.m, then can reach office parking by 07:40 a.m

10 mins walk to the gym, yes, it's daily gym, and pls do not over-react as it's going to cost me a lot. It is sponsored by the company, I am just utilizing it only ;-)

Workout for at most 40 mins, take bath, then walk back office. So, breakfast at office around 09.30 a.m.
Chit chit chat chat, the REAL working hours start from 10:00 a.m.

I call a day ends by 19:00 ++, I wish it will be better traffic after this hour, but sad thing is it take me at least 1 hour to reach home no matter which route I took.

Means I reach home 20:00 ++. After done everything, including washing of those sweaty, smelly exercise shirts, time flies, suddenly it's almost 22:00 p.m.

2nd thing that keep me busy is bcoz I had took a free online course - An Introduction to Finance.
It has weekly assignment, and I hope to get an cert by passing all these assignments (well, there is some buffer though), so I do spend effort on following the lecture's video and assignment seriously.

That 2 things keeping me rush on every weekday.

Every weekend I try to finish the assignment before due date, and  I want to go back hometown once a 2 weeks also.

Now, I am thinking to subscribe another course. I think it could be an interesting knowledge -> Model Thinking. But I really doubt myself, I don't have confidence to pass this 2nd course assignments. But anyway, the cert is just a bonus point, the important thing is I do enjoy and learn form the course.

Honestly, if you have time, I encourage you to check out this website:
There are a lot of online courses, from few famous universities, different category of interest, and it's FREE!

For e.g. one of the thing I had learn from the Finance course is that finally I see the usage of mean, variance in daily life.
I did score very good in math, but I never know how / what is it about in our daily life. I may be stupid in getting the common sense, so, this Finance class do really open my eyes and mind.

Now only I am feeling good that I able to complete my university study, not to say it equip me with any superior knowledge, but it helps me to explore more after the graduation, which I enjoy even more as compare to scoring the A in schools.

I enjoy the moment to know something new and what I am interested in, although it may not bring me any fortune, but I think I should enjoy myself with what I have.

If I can't live in a perfect life, then how about a not too bad life,  I believe it is a blessed for a person like me already ;-)

gam xie tian, gam xie di

Monday, July 30, 2012


Start my 9-th job today

Well, got 2 powerful machine, one with the secure connection to the client's bank environment; one for local R&D purpose woh

And...nice chair, nice 23 inch of LCD screen, basically it's better than I thought as in term of office equipment.

The bad thing is I am again seat at an isolated new partition, no body ask me for lunch today :-(. It's a bad start for me as in term of getting myself socialize with the team there...

Heard there will be another 2 new joiner by 1st Aug, where we will be sitting together.

Hope they are pretty / handsome, then the existing staff will come ask them lunch, then I will join them lah :D

Thursday, July 26, 2012


刚和外甥看完了Peter Parker回来
到家门口, 他的妈妈(即我姐啦)开始说话了

姐 :"什么戏来的?好看没有" (别怀疑, 她只看文艺爱情亲情片)
我 :"飞来飞去, fing fing fung fung 的"
姐 :"哎哟, 这些戏, 送我都不看."
我 :"..."
姐 :"你们有没有吃过东西?"
我 :"只吃pop corn, 已经饱死了"
姐 :"WX (叫她儿子), 快去吃 vitamin C"
然后对我说 :"你不要去喝茶啊?"
我 :"不要了"
姐 :"你不用吃东西的meh? 不要去喝茶?"
我 :"12点了, 不要再吃了"
姐 :"你有吃过东西meh?"

别误会她真的很担心我吃没吃东西, 我非常了解是她自己有点sien, 想去mamak档喝茶.

为了让她死心, 我很认真的望着她说 :"你不是吃过东西了meh? 还要喝茶?"

姐 :"嘿嘿" + 被拆穿的表情.....


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ya, kita pakai POS Malaysia

Went to MPSJ branch at Bandar Puteri. Need to checks my statement as I had already change the address, but I have not receive anything from them for the past 1 year!
This branch is really nice as every time (well, it's just 2nd time today) I went, there is NO ONE in the queue, I get served immediately.

So, here's the story:

Me :"Saya dah minta tukar alamat lama dulu, apakah status-nya?"
Officer :"Bagi saya address"
Me :"1231242332dsjfaksldfjakldsfjas"
Officer :"Ya, alamat dah tukar."
Me :"Mengapa tak terima apa-apa surat? Saya dah tukar sejak tahun lalu. Satu tahun berapa kali kena bayar?"
Officer :"2 kali."
Me :"Jadi mengapa tak terima apa-apa kalau alamat dah update ini?"
Officer :"Ya, memang kena datang sini jikalau tidak menerima apa-apa. Kita guna POS Malaysia."

I am speechless when she answered me in that way.

Some more with a 'poker face', totally no sign of 'sorry', no sign of 'I understand you', she's really emotionless till I wonder if she really heard me sometimes, that's why I keep repeating my questions.

Yes, maybe she has a valid reason to tell me not their responsible as the statement is NOT delivered by the POS Malaysia. But why is me that has to pay the penalty where in fact I totally no idea how's the payment going on?
I think short but sad conclusion is: we live in a place where we have to do the other party work just to protect our wallet from being blood for their mistake, keep track of the payment, suka-suka pergi lawat office to check status, be prepared to pay penalty and etc.... what a wonderful world here ...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


it's 11 July, happy birthday to myself

stepping into 35, age wise, really can't say am young anymore
but hope my mind & soul will remains young enough to learn about this life, about how to earn passive side income, about how to love myself & others that i should have care about them, lot's of things needs to be learn, but so far I am ignorant enough to just close my eyes & heart...

wish my wisdom and 胸襟 can growth as my age growth

Saturday, July 07, 2012

wah la mak, 5 hrs to Kuantan...

2nd drive with my Polo for long distance.
It is from my hometown to Kuantan with my families
Well, 'as expected', took the wrong route. Took us about 4.5 hrs !!
If we took the right one, it should be within 3 hrs ++.

Titi - Simpang Pertang - Kemayan - Triang - Termeloh - Sri Raya - Gambang

Hmm.... in fact, I had forgot Kemayan & Triang, which should come first

But anyway, 感谢保佑, safely arrived.

Tomorrow will try to explore to Teluk Chempedak (the beach), Cherating for the turtle, then maybe Chukai (just heard from nephew that there is a nice coffee shop...), don't know how it goes, but is some hours of drive, mainly go for beaches & some food hunting a long the way. Hope it will be a great trip :-)

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

a little bit happy, and a lot of angry + sad

It's my last day today, am feeling release & happy till almost the end of day

yeah, only to the almost

bcoz.. i made a very serious scratch to my car just now, very very serious scratch that spread quite big area

feeling angry and sad with myself :-( :-(

anyway, looking forward for my planned holiday

And wish can get some extra income to pay the car's repaint work..

Sunday, July 01, 2012


大姐的女儿参与了韩国一个月的学生交流, 上周五上机了

我大姐好像突然迷失方向一样, 说着这个月时间很多, 一直问哪里可以去玩玩
她生活重心就只有老公, 儿女. 所以我想她现在的心情其实很焦虑, 然后想找点活动去分散自己的注意力. 但是一路以来她就不是那种说去哪儿走走, 就行动的那种人, 而且其他人也忙着他们自己的生活, 不是你嚷嚷, 别人就能放下手头东西, 带你走走啊

哎, 说了好多遍, 人要学会自己生活
因为每个人到最后, 只会剩下自己. 别以为我说着年老悠闲的时光.
我是说着面临死亡的那一刻, 只有自己在面对它, 这跟有没有人在你身边是没啥关系的.

你不习惯一个人, 到时的孤单, 恐惧会是很剧烈的, 那么又怎能去得happy leh.

Monday, June 11, 2012


这个周末累死了, 主要原因应该是劳动的结果不是我想要的!

话说我车有了好几道伤疤, 上网搜了搜, 发现可以先 DIY 试试把伤痕抚平, 就网购了某个牌子的 touch up paint.

OK, put story short, let's look at these photos:

Rear bumper, before touch up. See ... so many dot dot here & there :(. No idea how it happen, think this is call stone chips

So, I mar use the touch up paint, and result as shown here:

Rear bumper, after paint.

Due to my lousy hand painting, the new paint appears to be uneven with the existing layer. So, I follow the instruction to use the rubbing compound to rub on it. Then I got this:

Rear bumper, after rubbing.

Well, it seems to be OK if I look it 3 meter away, as compare to last time, I will notice the black spot immediately. But when get close, it still looks ugly to me....

Not only the rear bumper, the front bumper got 2 very deep scratch too, my sister caused it at the first week i got my car :(

Front bumper, b4 touch up.

Front bumper, after paint & rubbing.

hai-ya!! failure lah! I need a break, I will come back to this later!! As the paint looks dull and not shinny, the instruction advise to rework on it after 7 days. Needs to polish and repeat the process again .... wo de ma ya..

Saturday, June 09, 2012

hello, i am mf

除了中文名字外, 你还有别名吗? 比如Mark, Nancy, Louis and etc 的?


我心想, 为什么一定要有英文名字?

我就一直只跟别人说我的中文名,不管你是老外还是会中文, 反正我就一个中文拼出来的名字.

其实有人问过我为什么我没英文名, 我说我不是基督徒, 我受华文教育, 我没什么意愿去取个英文名, 我真不觉得它会让我更潮.

这真是我的想法, 我一直觉得别名通常都是宗教原因才会取的.

哦, 在大连工作那两年, 发现同事们对外国同事会用个英文名, 然后在国内用着中文名, 所以时常会搞出大家不懂在说谁的乌龙.

我告诉他们, 其实老外很尊重别人的姓名, 不需要为了让他们容易念而起个自己也记不清的英文名,  如果他是真尊重你的话, 再难念, 他总能念出个音. (hmm... 这样说的时候, 我好像有点 LCLY hor)

oh, 我说的东西好像有点不连串了. 纯粹牢骚, 希望这篇不会得罪别人 :p

最后考考你们, 知道歌星方大同不?

是一个让我困惑很久的名字, Khalil Fong!
多亏我有个朋友及时Google了下, 否定了我的想法, 但是跟我想的差不远, 他的宗教缘自是中东的, 详情请移步:mr. fang da tong

Sunday, June 03, 2012


在我家附近有家老人院, 自从它成立以来, 我和我姐每次经过, 她都会重复的问怎么取个特难念, 又难记的名字: 五餅二魚养老院

它的名字, 歪歪斜斜的写在块木板上, 毫不起眼.

然后今天机缘巧合之下, 突然发现这'五餅二魚'原来是聖经中最经典的事例之一!! 简要的说, 是人们乐意的奉献, 即使再少, 在主的神奇力量下, 能变少为多, 去帮助很多很多需要的人. 希望我没理解错啦, 要不你们随便Google 一下就可以找到很多关于它的典故

oh, 别误会, 不是说我突然对神有所感应.
只是觉得自己的见识浅薄, 还拿它开玩笑了那么久, 惭愧, 惭愧!

真的, 有空应该多接触不一样的书/文章才能增广见闻, 提拔修养啦.

Monday, May 21, 2012

vacation plan...

Submitted my resignation letter to the taukeh on 4th May, so, tentatively, 4th July should be my last day.

Am suddenly has a thought to drive far for vacation before my new job which start at 30th July

Hmm... maybe a peninsular drive-around trip :p ?

But seems like I might be going alone.
Found that my sister won't be enjoy if only she & me, so I had drop her out of the list, maybe ask my mom lah :D

Any body interested to join me ???

I start looking what to do with Terenganu, well, not to the Redang Island this time, just the town area, and then move on to other states.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


mother's day, 回kampung去了
晚上要赶点东西, 然后发现竟然有 free wifi 可以用eh, 速度还是挺不错的说

有点暗爽啦 (*^__^*)

btw, 今天副刊很'残忍'的分享个formula, 让我们大概算出我们还有多少可以跟父母一起的日子, 如下:

还有多少年 x 一年有几天能见面 x 一天对话多少时间

拿个例子, 父母能活多20年, 我一年呆在家 10 天, 一天有8小时是跟他们一起的, 那就是
20 x 10 x 8 = 1600 小时 = 66 天 = 2 个多月

恐怖吧? 我最多只能跟他们一起的日子只有 2 个多月, 而且以我妈现在的年纪, 20年其实是个奢侈的愿望.

所以, 多看看他们啦, 日子真的不多

Friday, April 20, 2012

wah, i remember it leh !

After 1 year, and yet I can remember my password to the tax e-filling access, really needs to say 'pandai betul' to myself.

Yes, it's another year, and it's close to it's deadline by 5 May, had u done ur's?

eFilling is really very easy to use, especially for those people like me that is just earning the monthly salary, 30 mins can gao dim everything

do it fast b4 the deadline, else you might has network access 404 issue


alamak, i had submitted the form accidentally, was thought to save as draft one, must be my eyes too tired already !!

Saturday, April 14, 2012


傍晚爬山去了, 小山里有条小溪, 那水清清凉凉的, 停下洗把手什么的很是舒服

话说一对母子正在享受着这小溪的乐趣时, 我经过了.

小孩应该10岁左右吧, 他很兴奋的说:'很好玩, 我们下次早点来'

他妈妈忙着帮他擦手擦脚的, 没答.

小孩继续说:'下次我要带多点东西来玩, 很好玩'

他妈妈继续忙着, 没答...

小孩再继续说:'要不下次我们早上来吧, 不过 hor, 那样就要向学校请假了'

没听见他妈妈答他什么, 但是我听了觉得挺好笑, 真是个积极的好小孩 :D

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


本是假日的今天, 我竟然 9 点就起床了, 很久很久没试过在没必要的情况下, 那么自愿的早起.

实在应该赞一下自己, 嘻嘻

Thursday, April 05, 2012

a little bit of exciting, a little bit of worry


I'm feeling a bit exciting, as I will drive to Melaka this weekend with friends.

Yeah, u read it right, I will DRIVE :D

Highway shouldn't be any problem, as it just go straight & straight.

I do worry a bit on parking lah, heard it is always jam in the tourist center, and our hostel is located in the Jonker street, right in the center of tourist hot spot!

But, luckily my friends are all more experience than me in driving, I hope they can help if worst come to worst, I really cannot park my car nicely

hu ah, I will be having fun with my little Polo

If this is a good experience, I might want to drive to another place for another weekend trip. Maybe this round get SK, CY, KK, and let's go Ipoh? kekekeee


两件事, 要先说好的, 还是不好的?

hmmmm... goes with my heart lah...

先说不好的, 因为它现在一直浮现在我脑海里

我今天回家的路程好像见到鬼 leh. 真的, 不是开玩笑的那种

话说, 下班回家的路途中, 从我 motorbike 的望后镜, 看到后面的车, 很接近我了, 驾驶旁坐着个人.
那时就感觉怎么这家伙看起来脸部那么光, 就像有灯照着他, 而且怎么那么靠近我的 motorbike 了. 所以我就连忙减速好让它 over take 我.

见鬼了, 然后我看到那车只有司机leh !!
我不信邪, 跟了那车一小段路, 再次看看里面有几个人, 真的真的只有 1 个人啊~~~~

Saturday, March 24, 2012


今天敢敢试着自己驾车出去, 然后hor, 从家里的parking bay 倒退出去已经花了10分钟以上, 还把车子的前面弄花了, gek sum ah!!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


今天 interview 去啦, 搞了差不多6个小时, 然后, 感觉.....好像没戏啊.

我熟悉的东西, 现在都已经变成老旧的一套了.

而且我永远不能很好的表达一些概念性的东西, 我觉得coding, design 嘛, 要做了, 自然就会去 R&D, 然后就会啦, 没什么大不了的.

其实每个项目, 每间公司要的技术都有所不同, 到时就学呗, 有什么难的.
本人觉得啊, 最重要的还是那个态度, 愿意学习的态度!

好吧, 我只好继续忍耐了...

最后发句牢骚, 去 interview 好累的.
要从新复习一些 basic theory 的东西, 搞得自己精神紧张了好几天, 我也想找家能呆到老的公司啊!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

好吧, 多忍耐, 会过去的

最近很忙, 然后还要被 rate 成 low achievement

说真的, 我以为做的很好了, 临时授命, 做了能做的
但是为什么会是 bad rating leh ?


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

春来花自青, 秋至叶飘零

没什么, 纯粹觉得这句很妙

人生好像就是这么回事, 不用着急, 不用担心
凡事都有它的定律, 人, 做不了什么去改变它

Sunday, February 19, 2012

2012 年的第一本书 - 自食恶果

呆在 Frankfurt 一段日子之后, 我发现自己对德国的东西比较感兴趣. 某天逛书局的时候, 看到了这本书.

然后, 那章德国人的秘密生活吸引了我. 如下:
'德国人喜欢靠近大便, 但不能置身其中. 事实证明, 这是他们在当前金融危机中所扮演角色的最佳描述.'

当下觉得这作者很搞笑, 在这么一个所谓财经的大topic之下, 这种语调是绝对能够吸引我这不太正经的读者.
别跟我说某某指数, 这个那个的原因, 我的脑袋消化不了太沉重的信息.

这本书, 很生动化的描述了欧债的根源. 一章一章的, 很快可以看完.
但是如果你要我说到底我学到了什么, 比如说, 如果真那么糟糕, 那书有没有给点什么提议, 我们的钱该怎么处理?
我会说不知道咯, 作者只告诉了他周游列国之际, 所看到的荒谬情况.
但是我们能做些什么? 最简单的好像是开心的花吧, 别把 $ 看得太认真.

这书真的很不错. 看得很愉快, 而且应该可以多看几遍, 毕竟需要多消化消化, 才能不把它当成笑话集来看.

比如, 放火烧掉Range Rover来解决那个car loan 的问题. (跟我们这那些家俱广场时常发生火灾有雷同之处)
再比如, 原来美国的州政府也会 bankcrupt 的 (就好像我国2019年要bankcrupt酱), 你别说, 它真的会发生eh. i.e. 政府是会 bankcrupt 的!

我表达能力不好, 你有空去书局翻翻, 可能你也会喜欢上它.
要的话, 可以跟我借, 反正书买了也就放在那边, 一人读, 不如众人读 :)

Title in English:
Travels in the New Third World

Thursday, February 16, 2012


今早再次坐着同事的顺风车上班, 所以次要问题解决了.

So, 如何解决那个 main problem - 油线的问题?

昨晚想了想, 我应该联系那些贴在柱子上的一些标签电话号码.
其实呢, 通常 motor parking 的地方都会看见那些写着, 'tayar puncit, 01-xxxxxx' 等的 sticker.
有些贴在柱子, 有些贴在那个路的 'bok', quite 显眼的啦.

然后我打了给其中一个, 当然, 要很强调的说, 不是 puncit, 是油线断了, 他要拿对的东西来才能换对吧

油线 - RM 20
出差费 - RM 25

Total : RM 45

是 tmd 贵, 但是 bo bien lah.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


要回家时才发现那个motorbike的油线突然断了, 结果是 'lup' 不到油了, 意思是我的 motorbike 不能走了
so, 现在我回不到家

回到 office 要把我的laptop带回家, 以便明天可能要 work from home, 同事好心说能送我一程

没有 motor, 上不了班啊....

其实, 如果我是细心的话, 应该早把那油线换了, 之前是有点感觉 'lup' 油的时候不大顺畅, 也应该挺久了
只是我没想过会突然断掉, 只能说是我的 knowledge 不够啦, 有点抵死


Friday, January 13, 2012

vroom vroom lesson 1

Got my car since last Sat, but was too busy till no time to have some drive fun with it yet.

Just now, with the si fu instruction(a professional in car driving coach), and is my brother-in-law's old old friend, ask me to just try the very very simple thing with the car, which is:

With hand-brake in place, and P mode
1. Press on the oil
2. Press on the brake
Move my foot step between these 2 pedals to just feel the thing.

Then, some fun begin, which is ONLY moving forward and backward :D

Very interesting thing I found out is that, actually I don't need to press on the oil, the car will automatically move forward when it is in the 'D' mode, and backward when it's in the 'R' mode !!

Seriously, I was thought that we have to always press oil to move the car :p

Stupid mf ?? Yeah, I admit that!

:D :D, I never drive you know, it's my first lesson leh, I'm feeling good with it ;)

Monday, January 09, 2012


每次开始一个新的development environment setup 真的很痛苦

当那个project需要不一样的 DB, 不一样的 plugin, 不一样的 build management.
md, 那时真的觉得人生充满着无谓的挑战, 但又不能不克服这挑战.

我现在只不过是要setup 那个 MySQL, 然后要个容易简单的 GUI client 可以用来做 administrator 的东西, 下载这个那个, 试了这个那个, 他妈的混乱, 还没搞定, 我真的不行了!!!

要嘛, 它告诉我的 OS 需要升级到xxx
要嘛, 找不到那熟悉的menu


ah, finally found the old version that I am familiar with。
it is 0.3 version behind the latest release, don't care lah, I will be stick with the old way first so that I can proceed, life is difficult ...

Friday, January 06, 2012


gek sum

ear phone right side broken already :(

it's my phone's original ear phone neh.. how come so fast spoiled one...

it's a trust

just accepted a part-time job from an old old friend, well, in fact, is my si-fu when in my first job, a very nice lady :)

after finished the call, then only realize that we were talk all about the things need to be done, but not even talk about anything on $.

I think this is the trust between us. I trust that she won't take advantage on me; and she trust that i won't cut her throat. I simply like this way of doing thing.

But believe me, in real business world, people like she and I, will be dead also don't know what's the reason :)

OK, will be very very busy with this, as i will have to learn the framework that she mentioned

Also, I am quite tight with my office work after the new year break.

This Sunday got to go back office, bcoz next Tuesday they got a presentation for the RFP, I got to support technical side on the area I work on. Seriously, I worried on this, because I don't have confidence on the infra, performance & security thing.

Don't know how bad it will go...

Wednesday, January 04, 2012



又被伤风先生打败了 ...

为什么是先生 ?
不知道, 我只是觉得应该异性相吸, 找上我的都得是男的!

但是不能拿 MC neh, 要赶那个RFP presentation, 我要假假的很support滴坐在会议室里负责点头和摇头