Tuesday, October 25, 2011


刚和我姐, 还有大哥喝茶回来

话说, 大哥叫了nasi lemak, 那个椰浆饭真的很不错, 很香 + 很松软 + 不油

我姐很早就说了, 她很饱. 所以只拿了个小碟来尝尝味道.

但是....吃啊吃的, 我哥觉得那饭好像很少了, 就说:'要不要加饭啊? 好像不太够'

我姐说: '够的, 如果慢慢咬的话, 会够吃的'

我重复了她那句: '是的, 如果慢慢咬的话'

然后她自己笑抽了, 她说怎么酱你也发觉我想说什么 :D

Sunday, October 09, 2011

I am a donor now, are you?

Donor card

At first was thought of all organs, but as I read from an article that the eyes may be taken out and put some cotton inside, then sew the eye lids if I do donate the eyes.
Hmm... I think that will look quite scary to the friends that come and say good bye to me at that day, so I had not tick this option.

But it may be my wrong understanding from a mis-leading article, I will have to check more. If nothing look scary after all, I think all of my body that can be used should be given to those people that need it.