The flea market only in action on every Saturday, 9 am. - 14:00 pm. When I get there by the tram, it was already 13:00 pm. -_-!! (i wake up late at weekend)
People selling 2nd hand thing here, cloths, antique, shoes, blanket and etc. And surprisingly, bicycles stall is quite a lot there, I think almost 10 are there.
Quickly I walked 1 round to checks about the stall, then in 2 rounds, I saw one looks OK, but the owner not come and entertain me leh... :(
At this time, a beautiful young girl come to asked the owner for the bike next to the one I am looking. Ah ha.. good, I quickly ask her what's the owner told about the price, she response me in English, told the one I looking is 30 euro.
Hmm...Maybe my face look very innocent lor, she then told me: 'actually before this i saw another one like this, cheaper in another stall'. I asked her if I can join her to shop around the bike, bcoz I am not able to speak in German, I think she will be very helpful when I need to checks something with the seller. She happily say:'ya, why not :)'. See, 好人满天下啊 \(≧▽≦)/
So we went to some other 地摊 to hunt for cheap and nice bicycle. At last she found her city bike, cost her 25 euro.
Then she bring me to see the one she told she saw before, that old man speak so many thing to her, in German language, which I guess is selling hard his bicycle.
After my test ride, I finally make the deal lah. 25 euro for it, buy also a lock that cost 3 euro ;)
So now, how to get back to apartment? It is interesting when I chit-chat with the girl, she inspire me that I actually can ride it back :D (at first I was thought of just take the tram and go back). It's true, at most if I lost, I can still take a tram.
It is very challenging for me, I am not so good in recognize direction, what I do is I try to follow the tram route, and by looking at the buildings, I cycle a bit, walk a bit, and no surprise, I do lost in the way lah. But, after about 1.5 hr, I'm back to my apt, and just when I reach the apt. door, the rain start to drop! I am so lucky that I get back at the perfect time! Google Map show this route, only about 8 km. not too far actually:

Long post, but short summary:
- i'm very lucky to meet the gal, Rike. thx a lot to her and wish her all the best always.
- i'm very happy to get a bike
- i'm very happy that I am able to cycle back to apartment. this will make me more confident to cycle out to city next time ;)
出门遇贵人,u r a lucky girl. Enjoy ur stay there!
chweeling, u r so clever! in fact i was already use it to bring the water on my way back to the apartment yesterday ;)
siewpeng: Ya, indeed very lucky, always has to be grateful when good thing is happen :) Thanks a lot, i will try my best to be happily stay here for another 5 mths
u happy i happy o
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