Friday, May 21, 2010

RM is stronger now, but why ?? I don't know, do u ?

Since I am a stupid fellow about a civil right, I seldom make any comments on those politic's man talk, but there is something I doubt when our great PM told that it is a good sign that RM goes strong, it show that we are getting recover very well now.

OK, RM goes strong is a happy news for people that earning money in RM.
But, is it really any fundamental change or trigger in our economy that boost up our RM?
Or, it may be another danger sign that RM is being 'goreng' ?

I don't know, I am not economy expert that can tell the details/analyst the trends.
But I really don't feel our economy is getting strong.... As a normal and ordinarily employee, I just don't feel it ....
Can you tell me what are the sign is telling us this?
There are more projects / investor coming to our country now?
There are more exports in any of our industry ?
Our salary is increase ?

Nothing tell on this, but is just a general comments that 'ya, we are getting strong' ...
This just make me think that maybe later we hear this: 'The whole world especially Europe is in deep shit, it is NORMAL that our country is in the same situation, which make our RM depreciate recently'

I tell u, I won't never surprise with this kind of explanation already. It just happen again and again in our country. Whenever bad thing happen, we will pointed to compare to the even worst situation. We never think of how can we survive or make a different to change our country status.

To be honest, I am not convinced by our great PM this time...
Show us the figure, or what we call fact, it will be much convincing that telling the story in a happy face.

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