就几个月前拔了那颗困扰我好久的右边大牙, 然后吃东西毫无禁忌的东咬西咬, 不用顾忌着一不小心就咬到右边的牙, 痛得我喊老天 + 老妈.
哪知道现在才那几个月, 反而到左边的某一颗牙在作怪了, 感觉就像以前一样的难受, 只要不小心弄到那个痛处, 真的是痛得要命....
好后悔没一次拔光光啊, 然后都装上假的, 看它还能不能作怪!
现在只能祈祷它不会在这几个月里终告彻底要报销, 还记得上一次由于刚好碰上 1月1日假期, 要拔没得拔的痛苦, 很恐怖的... %>_<%
牙啊牙, 回去再疼吧, 好不? 拜托啦...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Museumsuferfest @ river side
It's a big festival going on along the city river side since last Friday evening, I only get my butt move to visit it today.
Not too sure what's really is the festival's theme, although the name suggest something like 'museum', but i see nothing much really has relation with it. Basically there are a lot of stalls, selling drinks, food, snack, and of course some music performance.
Snap some photos, but not uploaded to the album yet. Here just to show the band that I think is leng zai a bit lah, so, who like it, can save it as wall paper, 嘻嘻……(*^__^*)
Not too sure what's really is the festival's theme, although the name suggest something like 'museum', but i see nothing much really has relation with it. Basically there are a lot of stalls, selling drinks, food, snack, and of course some music performance.
Snap some photos, but not uploaded to the album yet. Here just to show the band that I think is leng zai a bit lah, so, who like it, can save it as wall paper, 嘻嘻……(*^__^*)
i got a bike ^_^
Finally i manage to buy a bicycle from the flea market here. oh yeah ~~
this is mf's bike! they call this mountain bike
The flea market only in action on every Saturday, 9 am. - 14:00 pm. When I get there by the tram, it was already 13:00 pm. -_-!! (i wake up late at weekend)
People selling 2nd hand thing here, cloths, antique, shoes, blanket and etc. And surprisingly, bicycles stall is quite a lot there, I think almost 10 are there.
Quickly I walked 1 round to checks about the stall, then in 2 rounds, I saw one looks OK, but the owner not come and entertain me leh... :(
At this time, a beautiful young girl come to asked the owner for the bike next to the one I am looking. Ah ha.. good, I quickly ask her what's the owner told about the price, she response me in English, told the one I looking is 30 euro.
Hmm...Maybe my face look very innocent lor, she then told me: 'actually before this i saw another one like this, cheaper in another stall'. I asked her if I can join her to shop around the bike, bcoz I am not able to speak in German, I think she will be very helpful when I need to checks something with the seller. She happily say:'ya, why not :)'. See, 好人满天下啊 \(≧▽≦)/
So we went to some other 地摊 to hunt for cheap and nice bicycle. At last she found her city bike, cost her 25 euro.
Then she bring me to see the one she told she saw before, that old man speak so many thing to her, in German language, which I guess is selling hard his bicycle.
After my test ride, I finally make the deal lah. 25 euro for it, buy also a lock that cost 3 euro ;)
So now, how to get back to apartment? It is interesting when I chit-chat with the girl, she inspire me that I actually can ride it back :D (at first I was thought of just take the tram and go back). It's true, at most if I lost, I can still take a tram.
It is very challenging for me, I am not so good in recognize direction, what I do is I try to follow the tram route, and by looking at the buildings, I cycle a bit, walk a bit, and no surprise, I do lost in the way lah. But, after about 1.5 hr, I'm back to my apt, and just when I reach the apt. door, the rain start to drop! I am so lucky that I get back at the perfect time! Google Map show this route, only about 8 km. not too far actually:
Long post, but short summary:
- i'm very lucky to meet the gal, Rike. thx a lot to her and wish her all the best always.
- i'm very happy to get a bike
- i'm very happy that I am able to cycle back to apartment. this will make me more confident to cycle out to city next time ;)
The flea market only in action on every Saturday, 9 am. - 14:00 pm. When I get there by the tram, it was already 13:00 pm. -_-!! (i wake up late at weekend)
People selling 2nd hand thing here, cloths, antique, shoes, blanket and etc. And surprisingly, bicycles stall is quite a lot there, I think almost 10 are there.
Quickly I walked 1 round to checks about the stall, then in 2 rounds, I saw one looks OK, but the owner not come and entertain me leh... :(
At this time, a beautiful young girl come to asked the owner for the bike next to the one I am looking. Ah ha.. good, I quickly ask her what's the owner told about the price, she response me in English, told the one I looking is 30 euro.
Hmm...Maybe my face look very innocent lor, she then told me: 'actually before this i saw another one like this, cheaper in another stall'. I asked her if I can join her to shop around the bike, bcoz I am not able to speak in German, I think she will be very helpful when I need to checks something with the seller. She happily say:'ya, why not :)'. See, 好人满天下啊 \(≧▽≦)/
So we went to some other 地摊 to hunt for cheap and nice bicycle. At last she found her city bike, cost her 25 euro.
Then she bring me to see the one she told she saw before, that old man speak so many thing to her, in German language, which I guess is selling hard his bicycle.
After my test ride, I finally make the deal lah. 25 euro for it, buy also a lock that cost 3 euro ;)
So now, how to get back to apartment? It is interesting when I chit-chat with the girl, she inspire me that I actually can ride it back :D (at first I was thought of just take the tram and go back). It's true, at most if I lost, I can still take a tram.
It is very challenging for me, I am not so good in recognize direction, what I do is I try to follow the tram route, and by looking at the buildings, I cycle a bit, walk a bit, and no surprise, I do lost in the way lah. But, after about 1.5 hr, I'm back to my apt, and just when I reach the apt. door, the rain start to drop! I am so lucky that I get back at the perfect time! Google Map show this route, only about 8 km. not too far actually:

Long post, but short summary:
- i'm very lucky to meet the gal, Rike. thx a lot to her and wish her all the best always.
- i'm very happy to get a bike
- i'm very happy that I am able to cycle back to apartment. this will make me more confident to cycle out to city next time ;)
Friday, August 20, 2010
about the drinking water in Frankfurt
life is really very busy here.
full 8 hrs of office work, start as early as 9 am once sit down in my place, then the work will be keep busy, sometime i do feel really exhausted in my brain after 4 p.m. ++, just very very tired. i really need to find the balance to relax myself a bit during the work...
then after work is again busy for the living necessity.
Got to rush to the supermarket once in a few days, buy food, milk, and water!
Ya.. it is a surprise for me that here is not common to drink the water from tap, the people bought the mineral water from supermarket. Also, the 'gassy' water is very common here. No special taste, but there is gas with the water. I don't like it so much, so I always have to find the word 'Still', which means water without gas.
So, buy water, it is in bottle right?
Here, they can re-fund the bottle. So means, you have to pay for the bottle first, then you re-fund it when you send back the empty bottle. Most of the supermarket has a re-fund machine where you can put in those bottles. 1 bottle is 0.25 Euro, which is near to RM 1, for me, this is a lot to just throw it away!
So, this keep me even more busy.
Buy it -> keep the bottle -> sends to supermarket to re-fund
Not a difficult job, but I just feeling this kind of thing just make me keep busy of taking care this and that.
Usually i bought 6 bottles at once, it is very heavy leh, i carry this and walk for about 5 mins ++, I think later i will have the Popeye's arm :p
full 8 hrs of office work, start as early as 9 am once sit down in my place, then the work will be keep busy, sometime i do feel really exhausted in my brain after 4 p.m. ++, just very very tired. i really need to find the balance to relax myself a bit during the work...
then after work is again busy for the living necessity.
Got to rush to the supermarket once in a few days, buy food, milk, and water!
Ya.. it is a surprise for me that here is not common to drink the water from tap, the people bought the mineral water from supermarket. Also, the 'gassy' water is very common here. No special taste, but there is gas with the water. I don't like it so much, so I always have to find the word 'Still', which means water without gas.
So, buy water, it is in bottle right?
Here, they can re-fund the bottle. So means, you have to pay for the bottle first, then you re-fund it when you send back the empty bottle. Most of the supermarket has a re-fund machine where you can put in those bottles. 1 bottle is 0.25 Euro, which is near to RM 1, for me, this is a lot to just throw it away!
So, this keep me even more busy.
Buy it -> keep the bottle -> sends to supermarket to re-fund
Not a difficult job, but I just feeling this kind of thing just make me keep busy of taking care this and that.
Usually i bought 6 bottles at once, it is very heavy leh, i carry this and walk for about 5 mins ++, I think later i will have the Popeye's arm :p
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
warm blanket found in cold night
just found a blanket that used for winter, means there are 2 blankets here, 1 for summer/spring time, 1 for autumn/winter time. Since last sunday, the weather is not too good, showering on and off the whole day, temperature is less than 20 degree, so, i am feeling very cold.
then i found the winter blanket in the closet, so nice!
really feel very grateful that i have a very nice landlord this time, basically he provide all the necessity thing, he even told me to tell what ever i think i need, he can arrange that. he allow me to move in as soon as i sign the tenancy agreement, without paying him even 1 cents my company will direct TT money to his account, i told it may took few weeks, he just happily told me not to worry on this.
and i got flat tv, got CD player, got coffee machine, got toaster, got fridge and etc, basically i just move in with my luggage and everything is there.
and i got free Wifi internet access, while my other 2 colleagues still have some problem with their apartment, i had already enjoy my apartment so much.
really thanks to my dear landlord, mr. schneider, a big tall guy, easy going guy, and a very nice guy.
感谢他, 并且深深祝福他
出门遇贵人, 不容易啊, 真的是可遇不可求的运气, o mi toh foh
then i found the winter blanket in the closet, so nice!
really feel very grateful that i have a very nice landlord this time, basically he provide all the necessity thing, he even told me to tell what ever i think i need, he can arrange that. he allow me to move in as soon as i sign the tenancy agreement, without paying him even 1 cents my company will direct TT money to his account, i told it may took few weeks, he just happily told me not to worry on this.
and i got flat tv, got CD player, got coffee machine, got toaster, got fridge and etc, basically i just move in with my luggage and everything is there.
and i got free Wifi internet access, while my other 2 colleagues still have some problem with their apartment, i had already enjoy my apartment so much.
really thanks to my dear landlord, mr. schneider, a big tall guy, easy going guy, and a very nice guy.
感谢他, 并且深深祝福他
出门遇贵人, 不容易啊, 真的是可遇不可求的运气, o mi toh foh
Friday, August 13, 2010
My apartment
Okie...here the photos come
Still not quite use to this apartment yet. For e.g. the bathroom that has a big window, I always wonder will people able to see me 'ng ng' /'xu xu' or not :D
Oh, btw, the apartment smell good whenever I back from work, I think it's due to the candles, i do feel 'home sweet home' every evening when I open the door :)
First evening in the apartment, I made myself a dinner with the famous Frankfurt sausage!!
And..tonight, still the sausage, but with more artistic look :p
Still not quite use to this apartment yet. For e.g. the bathroom that has a big window, I always wonder will people able to see me 'ng ng' /'xu xu' or not :D
Oh, btw, the apartment smell good whenever I back from work, I think it's due to the candles, i do feel 'home sweet home' every evening when I open the door :)
First evening in the apartment, I made myself a dinner with the famous Frankfurt sausage!!
And..tonight, still the sausage, but with more artistic look :p
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Finally, I got my apartment keys!
Finally I got my apartment keys, if there is no cancellation fee will be charged at hotel for the Thursday night I book, tomorrow morning I will move into my apartment!
I like this place as it is near to office, the living room is quite spacious, with small bed room, and a quite modern bathroom.
If want to name some bad thing about it is that there is no transport from the apartment to office, it is 20 mins walking distance between them. Then near by there is no supermarket, I will have to buy thing from the area near to office and bring it back.
But overall it is not too bad I think
- then i don't need to rush for the transportation (so, i will save some money from buying the transport ticket :D)
- walk will be part my of daily exercise
- the apartment is full of sunshine, i love this
Wait for my pictures in next blog! ;)
I like this place as it is near to office, the living room is quite spacious, with small bed room, and a quite modern bathroom.
If want to name some bad thing about it is that there is no transport from the apartment to office, it is 20 mins walking distance between them. Then near by there is no supermarket, I will have to buy thing from the area near to office and bring it back.
But overall it is not too bad I think
- then i don't need to rush for the transportation (so, i will save some money from buying the transport ticket :D)
- walk will be part my of daily exercise
- the apartment is full of sunshine, i love this
Wait for my pictures in next blog! ;)
Sunday, August 08, 2010
The river side & museum streets
Today my target is to walk along the Main river (美因河), and also the museums around there.
So, I took the famous bridge - Eiserner Steg to cross the river, this is an iron footbridge. Honestly it doesn't look any special for me, but it is a very important bridge that used by 10, 000 pedestrians every day.
Found myself can't stop shooting this church, it's not because it was too beautiful, but I found nothing else interesting to shoot :p
If I do have friends here, once a while bathing under the nice sun-shine, with the soft wind at the river-side, drinking beer, have some snacks, chit-chat keboh, hmm.... what a wonderful world~~
I saw this 'car' in Amsterdam also, it is 'operate' manually, these people are cycling it to make it move. These peoples really enjoy doing this, I think it's fun, but I was worry my legs are too short to join the cycling :D
Then I found so happen I was in the museum's street, a loooot of museum along this street. Art museum, communication museum, icon museum and so many others which I couldn't recall it's name and building anymore...Among them, this attracted me, something natural, ancient looking wood sculpture in front of the museum.
I really impress with their work on the greenish along the walk path, also the river bank. Walking slow in the greenly shelter path, have an ice-cream, seeing people around, that's how I spend a day here
Jogging a long the river, or just lie down on the grass will be a great weekend for me (of course it look a bit weird, but if you don't mind it, actually there is no one care about what you do there)... something I wish I will do it one day :)
So, I took the famous bridge - Eiserner Steg to cross the river, this is an iron footbridge. Honestly it doesn't look any special for me, but it is a very important bridge that used by 10, 000 pedestrians every day.
Found myself can't stop shooting this church, it's not because it was too beautiful, but I found nothing else interesting to shoot :p
If I do have friends here, once a while bathing under the nice sun-shine, with the soft wind at the river-side, drinking beer, have some snacks, chit-chat keboh, hmm.... what a wonderful world~~
I saw this 'car' in Amsterdam also, it is 'operate' manually, these people are cycling it to make it move. These peoples really enjoy doing this, I think it's fun, but I was worry my legs are too short to join the cycling :D
Then I found so happen I was in the museum's street, a loooot of museum along this street. Art museum, communication museum, icon museum and so many others which I couldn't recall it's name and building anymore...Among them, this attracted me, something natural, ancient looking wood sculpture in front of the museum.
I really impress with their work on the greenish along the walk path, also the river bank. Walking slow in the greenly shelter path, have an ice-cream, seeing people around, that's how I spend a day here
Jogging a long the river, or just lie down on the grass will be a great weekend for me (of course it look a bit weird, but if you don't mind it, actually there is no one care about what you do there)... something I wish I will do it one day :)
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Frankfurt City Center - Hauptwache, Römer & the Zeil
It is weekend, so, it's time to explore the city!
Start the walk by 1.30 pm, and back to hotel after 5 hours, it's very tired, but I do enjoy the walk very much.
I was getting those small cards that available in the hotel, and with a city map, I start my 'adventure'. It is really very very fun to walk alone, I enjoy every single moment; when I found the place, ah-ha; when I seems like lost some way, hmm...; all these is part of the fun.
Hauptwache, Römer square & the Zeil shopping mile are the areas I roaming around today. Among these places, only when I found the Römer square, 'wow' is come into my mind. I would say the other buildings are quite normal / simple, nothing much surprise, but this Römer square finally is something fascinating. There are very colorful building, special facade. Due to the boxes feel, I am thinking it is more like lego-building, but in fact, it was used as the Frankfurt city hall.
Hauptwache, used to be police station & jail last time, but I am not sure what it is used for now, there is restaurant there, maybe this building is kept for historical tourist spot, nothing inside.
Zeil is the long long shopping mile in the city. The shops are at both sides of the street, the only special thing I can say is that in between the street, there are many trees, it was feel like a garden, actually I think overall this city is very green, I see a lot of trees around here.
Start the walk by 1.30 pm, and back to hotel after 5 hours, it's very tired, but I do enjoy the walk very much.
I was getting those small cards that available in the hotel, and with a city map, I start my 'adventure'. It is really very very fun to walk alone, I enjoy every single moment; when I found the place, ah-ha; when I seems like lost some way, hmm...; all these is part of the fun.
Hauptwache, Römer square & the Zeil shopping mile are the areas I roaming around today. Among these places, only when I found the Römer square, 'wow' is come into my mind. I would say the other buildings are quite normal / simple, nothing much surprise, but this Römer square finally is something fascinating. There are very colorful building, special facade. Due to the boxes feel, I am thinking it is more like lego-building, but in fact, it was used as the Frankfurt city hall.
Hauptwache, used to be police station & jail last time, but I am not sure what it is used for now, there is restaurant there, maybe this building is kept for historical tourist spot, nothing inside.
Zeil is the long long shopping mile in the city. The shops are at both sides of the street, the only special thing I can say is that in between the street, there are many trees, it was feel like a garden, actually I think overall this city is very green, I see a lot of trees around here.
Frankfurt City Center - kids are having fun
Was lost in the map, and found this park that full of kids laughing sound, it's really very enjoy to see them playing around.
And I found one thing, the kids here made use of the daily life thing to have their fun. Maybe you will know what I means by looking at the photos.
And I found one thing, the kids here made use of the daily life thing to have their fun. Maybe you will know what I means by looking at the photos.
cute 到...
到这一周了, 让我回顾一下啊.....
我还是不太喜欢这地方, 我老是感觉还是上次出差到荷兰的感觉比较好. 这可能跟我现在住的酒店有关系, 就是第一感觉不喜欢了, 导致有点偏见.
前两天去看房子了, 我个人觉得很满意, 在等着公司的approval, 希望下周一能收到回应, 然后就能稳定下来了. 那天看了房子之后, 心里感觉好多了, 开始有点期待以后的日子了 :p
还有, 我到这才发现, 原来我喜欢的白面包, London 和 Amsterdam 很普遍能找到, 但是这里很少. 德国的传统面包我不太喜欢,给我感觉都是硬硬的. 这让我觉得有点麻烦, 因为有时我就想吃点light food, 然后就买些sandwich 当一餐, 但是这...不行啊...看来可能要尝尝那些硬硬的...
总的来说, 这次的出差感觉跟以往不一样
- 住宿条件没有商务出差那么好, 需要会找个房子长期住下来
- 可能要找个脚踏车, 因为房子跟公司的距离需要30分钟的步行, 没有公交能到
半年, 时间不长, 但是我想是一个很好的机会让我能够试着像当地人生活着. 当然我现在住宿方面还是公司补贴, 所以还是能选个地点和条件比较好的.
如果有一天我要到这地方工作生活的话, 住的条件应该就没这么好了, 生活费方面, 我倒觉得不会有太大的差别, 我的消费习惯通常不会因为是补贴而大用特用. 我还是很吝啬的, 只用我觉得我想用的 :D
... 还有很多东西等待发掘啦, 期待-ing !
Monday, August 02, 2010
Not a very happy beginning...
This is a be-lated post, am landed and check-in to the hotel safely.
I am not happy with the hotel booked this time, it is a cheap hotel, and the worst thing is it's located in the middle of the red strict area. To be honest, I really worry about it's safety for my personal belonging.
The room rate is cheap, 258 Euro for 7 nights.
No air-con, no kettle, no bottle water, no coffee/tea bag, basically it is very very simple room just for u to sleep & take bath. But the room is clean lah.

So I would say, if I am a tourist by myself, I may choose this kind of place. But I never expected this as for business travel purpose! I didn't dream for luxury president suite, but at least a 4 star star is reasonable right? This hotel is like thehotel 88 hotel 81(in s'pore), or those that near to bukit bintang area...
And the surrounding environment, drunk peoples just sitting/sleep on the street, drugs needle, and I smell smoke everywhere here!! So many people walking with the cigarette on their hand, also smell the pee ... guess is the 'nice job' by those drunk fellow...
Aiyo, don't want to keep complain liao, it just make me feel more & more frustrating.
Anyway, this place is just for temporary stay. The agency told that they will show us the available apartments on Wednesday, hopefully can settle this within this week, then I can move out from this place very soon.
I am not happy with the hotel booked this time, it is a cheap hotel, and the worst thing is it's located in the middle of the red strict area. To be honest, I really worry about it's safety for my personal belonging.
The room rate is cheap, 258 Euro for 7 nights.
No air-con, no kettle, no bottle water, no coffee/tea bag, basically it is very very simple room just for u to sleep & take bath. But the room is clean lah.
So I would say, if I am a tourist by myself, I may choose this kind of place. But I never expected this as for business travel purpose! I didn't dream for luxury president suite, but at least a 4 star star is reasonable right? This hotel is like the
And the surrounding environment, drunk peoples just sitting/sleep on the street, drugs needle, and I smell smoke everywhere here!! So many people walking with the cigarette on their hand, also smell the pee ... guess is the 'nice job' by those drunk fellow...
Aiyo, don't want to keep complain liao, it just make me feel more & more frustrating.
Anyway, this place is just for temporary stay. The agency told that they will show us the available apartments on Wednesday, hopefully can settle this within this week, then I can move out from this place very soon.
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Free Wifi in Changi airport
Waiting for transit @ S'pore T3, happily know that there is free Wifi access here.

Just show your passport to the information counter, they will give u the login details, don't try abc123 those simple simple name, the ID & passport wouldn't be ever guess-able, unless you are genius hacker lah :)
If you do have S'pore local mobile number, register it, then you will receive the login details as well.
About the speed.... so so only lor, meebo not able to connect, FB sometimes images not loaded, but it's already much more better than nothing lah.

Just show your passport to the information counter, they will give u the login details, don't try abc123 those simple simple name, the ID & passport wouldn't be ever guess-able, unless you are genius hacker lah :)
If you do have S'pore local mobile number, register it, then you will receive the login details as well.
About the speed.... so so only lor, meebo not able to connect, FB sometimes images not loaded, but it's already much more better than nothing lah.
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