Start to plan for the trips around Nov when my brother is come over with his wife.
Due to the concern of budget, not an easy tasks neh ... more difficult that algebra math~~
If money is not an issue, just bought the pass that easiest to get, hop in the train, then gao dim. Problem is have to compare how to make the transportation & hotel rate cheaper, got to search and compare different offers that can find thru web ...
I think the most important thing is decide the routes, checks the price that can get from different web site, then choose the cheapest one. I still no clear clue on this yet...time is running out. Again is my laziness that make it last minute job lah :p
Wish to get something out by first week of Oct. The earlier the planning, the cheaper tickets may be available.
For money, GAMBATEH!!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
心里感觉挺开心的, 没有特别想家, 因为家里已经提前在 Raya 那个周末庆祝了, 那天我还真有点遗憾, 因为好像都回去了eh...除了我, 家里好久好久没试过这么人齐了, 过年也不会这么齐 :( 哎....
不说啦, 回到今天的主题
天气很暖和, 我 17.45 下班回家了, 因为我想骑车到城里逛逛.
天气预报说,下周开始陆续降温了, 秋天已经来到 (中秋还真是个发生在秋天的日子 :p), 所以抱着有暖风吹的时候尽量吹的心态,我 18.30 出发了
19:30 以后,天开始黑了, 终于可以拍到月亮小姐在 Mainz 河畔的容貌
Let's share the moon, a good phrase that shared by a friend in FB :)
不说啦, 回到今天的主题
天气很暖和, 我 17.45 下班回家了, 因为我想骑车到城里逛逛.
天气预报说,下周开始陆续降温了, 秋天已经来到 (中秋还真是个发生在秋天的日子 :p), 所以抱着有暖风吹的时候尽量吹的心态,我 18.30 出发了
19:30 以后,天开始黑了, 终于可以拍到月亮小姐在 Mainz 河畔的容貌
Let's share the moon, a good phrase that shared by a friend in FB :)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
the stamps
Look at these stamps, how do u feel about it?
I feel it is very 儿戏 lor, especially the amount printed, make me feel like we can just print it out ourself in a color printer.
I bought it from a vending machine, there is an option where I can specify how much I want to print on the stamp, so means the number value on the stamp was enter by me, then the machine will print it on the spot. The machine I used is not able to return the change in cash, it will always print the remaining money on the stamps, but luckily I got ngam ngam enough coin to buy it.
Posting fee back to Malaysia is 1 Euro neh, the post card cost 0.50 Euro only, the stamp is even more expensive -_-!!
My family are all old fashion, so, email, FB, picasa web and etc doesn't work for them, a postcard maybe made them feel more real of the city I stay now :)
I feel it is very 儿戏 lor, especially the amount printed, make me feel like we can just print it out ourself in a color printer.
I bought it from a vending machine, there is an option where I can specify how much I want to print on the stamp, so means the number value on the stamp was enter by me, then the machine will print it on the spot. The machine I used is not able to return the change in cash, it will always print the remaining money on the stamps, but luckily I got ngam ngam enough coin to buy it.
Posting fee back to Malaysia is 1 Euro neh, the post card cost 0.50 Euro only, the stamp is even more expensive -_-!!
My family are all old fashion, so, email, FB, picasa web and etc doesn't work for them, a postcard maybe made them feel more real of the city I stay now :)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Cycling route - the R3 - 2nd try
In term of distance, not much progress as compare to last week, only 2.2 KM more. So total is about 20 k.m for 1 way
In term of time, I able to make it half an hour more, means total cycle time is 3 hrs. 3 hrs for 40 k.m, so u can imagine how easy to cycle here, the road mostly are flat.
Was making my way back in an area that look very scary to me :p
荒芜一片, Google translator give an English translation -> barren!
While on my way back, had pay more attention to the road sign, and I notice that there is one telling the distance is about 20 k.m to the Mainz.
It took me 1.5 hr for the first 20 k.m, to this place, and I need to made another 20 k.m. It is not just as easy as just add another 1.5 hrs, my energy is getting less as more distance I had cycle.
So, for next week, I think I will try to go with this sign board, 7 KM from where I made a return back this week, will see how I feel after that next week.
And thanks God that the weather is nice, nothing went wrong with my bike also.
I try to Google for any cycling activity on the weekend, I really hope can find a group that I can join, will be feeling safer with it.
After all, I think taking care of my own safety, my own well-being is my responsibility, I shouldn't put myself into too much risk. I should return home in complete pieces ;)
But too bad, nothing found yet...
In term of time, I able to make it half an hour more, means total cycle time is 3 hrs. 3 hrs for 40 k.m, so u can imagine how easy to cycle here, the road mostly are flat.
Was making my way back in an area that look very scary to me :p
荒芜一片, Google translator give an English translation -> barren!
While on my way back, had pay more attention to the road sign, and I notice that there is one telling the distance is about 20 k.m to the Mainz.
It took me 1.5 hr for the first 20 k.m, to this place, and I need to made another 20 k.m. It is not just as easy as just add another 1.5 hrs, my energy is getting less as more distance I had cycle.
So, for next week, I think I will try to go with this sign board, 7 KM from where I made a return back this week, will see how I feel after that next week.
And thanks God that the weather is nice, nothing went wrong with my bike also.
I try to Google for any cycling activity on the weekend, I really hope can find a group that I can join, will be feeling safer with it.
After all, I think taking care of my own safety, my own well-being is my responsibility, I shouldn't put myself into too much risk. I should return home in complete pieces ;)
But too bad, nothing found yet...
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Cycling route - the R3 - first stop - Kelsterbach
As posted earlier, I made my way back after reach to the 'B' - Kelsterbach, a small old town which look like a tourist place for me.
Found this wall is interesting
But I like this the most, I love the feel of it.
It is very peace in mind, sitting together in a nice evening, looking to the big river, surrounded by the green trees, colorful flower, quite, relax, oh man, this is life!
This church looks nice, I like the color combination.
Found this wall is interesting
But I like this the most, I love the feel of it.
It is very peace in mind, sitting together in a nice evening, looking to the big river, surrounded by the green trees, colorful flower, quite, relax, oh man, this is life!
This church looks nice, I like the color combination.
Cycling route - the R3 - first try
Without any details plan ahead, i went to cycle along the river side today.
I only has an idea that I want to cycle from my place to the join of the Main river into the Rhein river. Why? Don't know, I just want to see the Rhein river 德国的莱茵河, the only impression I have about this country.
After BACK from the cycling, I got this from Google map"
The red line is what I 'want' to do, and it is about 30km ++ !!! I only able cycle form A to B, which is 10 km ++
It took me 2.5 hrs for the return trip. Not really very tired, but I think I should take food in between the trip, I feel a bit out of strength in the way back
Well, the bicycle route is not really just straight away along the river. In fact I think they did plan this route to bypass different view to make the route more interesting. I passed by river view, passed by farm view, passed-by small village, passed by high-way, cycling up hill and down hill a bit, and most important, has to follow the route's sign board neh, i never think of this before I make my move -_-!!
this is not the youngest kid I saw, but just want to tell, they start in very young age about cycling
How's the feel about this first trip?
I strongly think I am really not well organize, 就是所谓的有勇无谋啦
1. I didn't have any direction in my mind
2. I didn't have the bicycle route map with me --> so means I am not sure R3 is the one I should follow or not, but I just see the Rhein word :D
3. I didn't prepare anything for emergency plan, I don't know what should I do if anything happen to my bicycle
4. I didn't prepare enough dry food, I only bring 1 banana & 1 little chocolate cake with me
All after all, is because I don't have idea how far I am going to cycle out. I under-estimate the effort.
So, with this first experience, I have better feeling.
I need to get a bicycle route map, should be be able to get a free copy in the train station; and I need to get the gas pump for my bicycle, maybe I should look for this in the flea market. So, hopefully this Saturday I can do something on this lah. (must do it on Sat., Sun nothing is in business here)
I only has an idea that I want to cycle from my place to the join of the Main river into the Rhein river. Why? Don't know, I just want to see the Rhein river 德国的莱茵河, the only impression I have about this country.
After BACK from the cycling, I got this from Google map"

It took me 2.5 hrs for the return trip. Not really very tired, but I think I should take food in between the trip, I feel a bit out of strength in the way back
Well, the bicycle route is not really just straight away along the river. In fact I think they did plan this route to bypass different view to make the route more interesting. I passed by river view, passed by farm view, passed-by small village, passed by high-way, cycling up hill and down hill a bit, and most important, has to follow the route's sign board neh, i never think of this before I make my move -_-!!
How's the feel about this first trip?
I strongly think I am really not well organize, 就是所谓的有勇无谋啦
1. I didn't have any direction in my mind
2. I didn't have the bicycle route map with me --> so means I am not sure R3 is the one I should follow or not, but I just see the Rhein word :D
3. I didn't prepare anything for emergency plan, I don't know what should I do if anything happen to my bicycle
4. I didn't prepare enough dry food, I only bring 1 banana & 1 little chocolate cake with me
All after all, is because I don't have idea how far I am going to cycle out. I under-estimate the effort.
So, with this first experience, I have better feeling.
I need to get a bicycle route map, should be be able to get a free copy in the train station; and I need to get the gas pump for my bicycle, maybe I should look for this in the flea market. So, hopefully this Saturday I can do something on this lah. (must do it on Sat., Sun nothing is in business here)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
最近逛 FB 的感言...
请问, 当你看到15岁不到的女生说:"你再也没有资格说爱我", "男人不懂女人的痛"
我 15 x 2 再加 xx 岁,还没搞懂什么是女人的痛....
我到底是不幸还是太过好运啊?连痛都不懂.... -_- !!!
请问, 当你看到15岁不到的女生说:"你再也没有资格说爱我", "男人不懂女人的痛"
我 15 x 2 再加 xx 岁,还没搞懂什么是女人的痛....
我到底是不幸还是太过好运啊?连痛都不懂.... -_- !!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
很sien咯, 不懂为什么sien的时候, 心里很容易骂粗口咯
有时都觉得自己有点变态, 搞不清楚这是什么状况咯
Hari raya + long weekend, 他们趁机提前庆祝中秋咯
我家好久好久没有这么团圆咯, 即使过年, 也是有些回去有些因为工作回不去咯
哎, 老爸老妈应该很开心咯
如果我在家的话, 也会喝上好几杯, 然后听着他们老调重弹又重弹咯
哎, 我真很sien咯
还有感觉很想念Amsterdam咯 (就在看了朋友在FB的照片以后咯)
不知道我到底是想念那时候的时光, 还是我真的很喜欢那个地方, 我都不知道我在想什么咯
哎哎哎, 我真很tmd 要 sien 死了咯
有时都觉得自己有点变态, 搞不清楚这是什么状况咯
Hari raya + long weekend, 他们趁机提前庆祝中秋咯
我家好久好久没有这么团圆咯, 即使过年, 也是有些回去有些因为工作回不去咯
哎, 老爸老妈应该很开心咯
如果我在家的话, 也会喝上好几杯, 然后听着他们老调重弹又重弹咯
哎, 我真很sien咯
还有感觉很想念Amsterdam咯 (就在看了朋友在FB的照片以后咯)
不知道我到底是想念那时候的时光, 还是我真的很喜欢那个地方, 我都不知道我在想什么咯
哎哎哎, 我真很tmd 要 sien 死了咯
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Dinner DIY - 罗宋汤
OK.. think of this since weekend, but due to lack of tomato & carrot, not able to make it.
Today went to the supermarket to get that 2 thing, again this carrot is selling in 2 k.g pack, I really want to faint...
So, start the cooking :p
But actually all are only about peeling & cutting the ingredient into cubes, then dump it to the water to boil it together, no skill at all.
See, I am very generous to put very 'gao' ingredient
Took me about 45 minutes to prepare all the thing, bcoz i have to peel with the normal knife, no proper peeler tool in this apartment. So, start to boil...
So, turn the light to lower, then I took my bath.
Taste how?
85% of what I like it to be, but problem is I am not too sure what cause the missing 15% :D :D
Maybe next time I should try to put more tomato in the ratio...
This soup is really nice, I even missed this when I was in KL, my sister seldom cook nowadays. And I hate to drink soup selling outside.
Conclusion: I have a very nice evening with this warm 罗宋汤 ;)
Today went to the supermarket to get that 2 thing, again this carrot is selling in 2 k.g pack, I really want to faint...
So, start the cooking :p
But actually all are only about peeling & cutting the ingredient into cubes, then dump it to the water to boil it together, no skill at all.
See, I am very generous to put very 'gao' ingredient
Took me about 45 minutes to prepare all the thing, bcoz i have to peel with the normal knife, no proper peeler tool in this apartment. So, start to boil...
So, turn the light to lower, then I took my bath.
Taste how?
85% of what I like it to be, but problem is I am not too sure what cause the missing 15% :D :D
Maybe next time I should try to put more tomato in the ratio...
This soup is really nice, I even missed this when I was in KL, my sister seldom cook nowadays. And I hate to drink soup selling outside.
Conclusion: I have a very nice evening with this warm 罗宋汤 ;)
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Adjustable leg belt - DIY
With my bicycle, I ride to work everyday, and now I found pant is getting dirty at the part that near to the cycling part.
So, I should get a leg belt to bundle my pant, but I don't know where to get it.
Today I cycle to the city for some shopping, then in the shopping mall, when I saw these thing, it make me think of making it myself!! Well, not that I am smart OK, the thing display there make me think of the possibility to make an adjustable leg belt.
So, these are the thing I bought
I sew the 'head' part, make it like a belt, and this is the result
Good da, tried it, and it fit very well ;)
So, I should get a leg belt to bundle my pant, but I don't know where to get it.
Today I cycle to the city for some shopping, then in the shopping mall, when I saw these thing, it make me think of making it myself!! Well, not that I am smart OK, the thing display there make me think of the possibility to make an adjustable leg belt.
So, these are the thing I bought
I sew the 'head' part, make it like a belt, and this is the result
Good da, tried it, and it fit very well ;)
Friday, September 03, 2010
Dinner DIY - 荷兰薯焖猪肉
Am happy today as my task can consider as finished as what I had planned to, so today I went off earlier. Leaving office by 5.30 p.m, so think of making a new try for my dinner.
My mind was thinking of 荷兰薯焖猪肉, so head to the supermarket to get the material.
It's so bad that the potato & onion is only selling in big pack, so I bought 2.5 k.g potato and 2 k.g. onion, I got to somehow think how to finish them in coming days .... -_-!!
After about 1 hr, here is the result:
Also, I boiled few potatoes as the replacement for the rice. Put some butter when it is hot hot, then it taste quite nice! I learn it from my ex-PM in Amsterdam when he cook the dinner during my visit to his family. Ai.. I missed them.. they are very nice couples...
My mind was thinking of 荷兰薯焖猪肉, so head to the supermarket to get the material.
It's so bad that the potato & onion is only selling in big pack, so I bought 2.5 k.g potato and 2 k.g. onion, I got to somehow think how to finish them in coming days .... -_-!!
After about 1 hr, here is the result:
Hahah.. oklah, it is not 荷兰薯焖猪肉, but ends up it is 荷兰薯炒猪肉. how's the taste? I would say, not too bad lah (*^__^*)
Also, I boiled few potatoes as the replacement for the rice. Put some butter when it is hot hot, then it taste quite nice! I learn it from my ex-PM in Amsterdam when he cook the dinner during my visit to his family. Ai.. I missed them.. they are very nice couples...
Thursday, September 02, 2010
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