Sunday, July 25, 2010

Had you register?

A friend post a soft reminder about registration as a voter, then I realize coming election, if I didn't vote, then I had skipped the 3rd election which I am qualify to do so, very bad citizen huh?

btw, is this a signal next election is coming? I remember the last election, I was in Dalian, it is just 2 yrs ago. It suppose to be at most 5 years for each election, but I don't think it will be so fast this time right, only about 3 yrs then we will have another election?

hmmm... so I think from time frame wise, maybe I still can drag a bit, problem is, my I.C is still with my hometown address, should I change it so that I can vote in a place that I really stay in? Something to consider more...

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