Tuesday, May 26, 2009

backpack traveling, some tips .. if you think it is ;-)

I don't have much experience in backpack traveling, especially to a place that > 1 day. So, I am really still beginner in traveling by backpack, ALONE!

Paris, I stay in a cheap hotel, but yet it still a private room equip with bath room.
Prague, first time stay in the international hostel

So, my 'experience' or some suggestion if you would like to know:
1. hostel
- bring a pair of slipper, so that can go in the public wash room
- be prepare the shower place will just has the 'curtain', not door that you can lock
- shower place really small, so, no place to hang the cloth, has to think a way to overcome this, otherwise you may be walk out from shower place NAKED, and there might be others people in the wash room :p
- usually there is public luggage where we can leave the thing there, even after check-out. it should be free, but don't put valuable thing there, instead, we can put those valuable thing at the reception area. i am not very well prepare for back pack, my last trip to Prague, I used a plastic bag to put my cloths (please don't laugh at my stupid behavior). I left it to the public luggage area, when I go back to collect it, it's GONE!! BUT, it's actually the receptionist had help me to put it to his place, and tell me that it is dangerous to just leave plastic bag like that. I feel so shame on this... I know that is stupid thing to do, but I just too 'giam siap' to buy a better bag for the short trip this round.. but as you see, the people in hostel (I think especially the international hostel) is very honest, and they try to keep good name, so, no worry to stay at those place

2. map
- this is very important 'tool' to travel around, without map, we just like blind
- i always try to get it at the information center after arrived at the destination, which usually is free, but even though if i cannot find it, then i will buy one. spending money is always my last choice

3. travel ticket
- always try to get those unlimited access, for e.g. day ticket, 3 day ticket and etc. simply because I am not familiar with the transportation route, linkage and etc. Buying ticket each hop on the public transport, might ends up cost me more money

4. planning before trip
- i do not plan too much on my trip actually, at most i will checks about the type of ticket, just as what i told in previous point ;)
- then maybe also checks out the wiki travel to have some idea

I do walk a looooot during my trip, sometimes it is more than 12 hours!
Why walk so long?
- i am quite stupid in reading map, i couldn't find the direction easily, sometimes just keep turning around here and there
- i always worry i might not have enough time to go to all the attraction points in the map, so, i try to go as much as possible in each day. if there is still time before leaving the city, usually i will just hop into bus, and see where the bus taking me to, so just really no idea what will be ahead me :p

I am type of explore while walking. With the map, and the day trip ticket, then it is like treasure hunting game. Then this feeling come into my mind while i going around:
- ah, finally i found this place
- i saw that building
- oh, it's the other corner
- shit, wrong direction again'

my 'philosophy' in traveling is that:
Getting LOST is part of the FUN, so, don't be scare, just make sure we have enough money for transportation ;)
But every person has different preference in how to plan the trip. So my tips may not be applicable for you.
Some feel more secure if everything is known before hand
Some prefer very cozy place to stay
Some said they must go here and there, do this and that

There is nothing wrong in any of this preference, I think the most important thing is we know what is our weakness, we know what we looking for, then we prepare for it. It is always give and take, if our choice has to pay with $, then just pay it. just make sure we enjoy it after the spending

i think so far, i do enjoy travel alone.
travel with friends would be fun as well, and most important, will feel more secure since there is people accompany us. But in this case, we have to consider other choice/feeling, and sometimes it just not what you actually really like to do.
again, this is take and give, choose the way you like. keep moving, enjoy!


阿花 said...



Unknown said...

Is a good tips for me...Thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi MF,

Tam here. My comment for u, don't be so kia su. Honestly, those so call 'attraction', might not be attraction to u in the end. So, choose those that u really interested in.

And don't be afraid to do some 'naughty', or 'nasty' thing. U travel alone, nobody gonna recognise u. hahahahaha... So, get naked.

And another thing. Some hostels might not have male dorm or female dorm. It could be mixed. So, be prepare to sleep with 'anything'...

mf said...

Tam.. sound much more experienced than me :p
ya.. i think u see how kia su i am when i telling that walked for 10++ at the first day.. well.. just worry i did miss something :p

thanks for your tips!