Saturday, March 27, 2010

An economic way to drink Latte

Today went to the S**bucks for a cup of coffee with my sister.

My sister only want a few sip of it. This make me come into an idea to get a big cup of Latte (I think it is call Vendi for the big cup ), then ask the coffee tender to split it to 2 cups.

Finally I got 2 tall cup of coffee, with the price for 1 big cup of Laate, pretty well spend money I think.

If you have chance to try it, you will know that the split of this big Latte into 2 cups actually is not much different in term of 'volume' as compare to you order 2 cups separately, and yet you will only pay RM 13.10 for it. If order it separately, it may cost > RM 15 if I am not mistaken. So, it's really worth it.

Actually I had come across a book telling about Big cup of coffee is much worth than Tall cup of coffee in S**bucks, but that idea never get proven in my real life before. Today, this book suddenly come into my mind when I found the *mathematic* behind it.

Well, there are some 'pre-conditions' that you can practice this economic way:
1. There is another person like to share the same drink you order
2. I think this only apply to hot drink
3. You need to be dare to ask, some people might be pai-seh to troublesome the coffee tenderbarista

You may think this looks like a bit petty/stingy, u r right about this.
I always try to spend my money 'on the tip of the knife'
Then maybe now you would say, why go S**bucks at the first place? Should just go cheap place mah. Well.... it's weekend mah, I should enjoy myself a bit right ;-)

Btw, I am not too sure is it call coffee tender, it seems something wrong to me bcoz I remember there is friend correcting me when I use this term to name those people work in the coffee shop
--> thx WaiKee correcting me that it should be called barista

1 comment:

wk said...

They are called 'barista'.