Wednesday, February 04, 2009

My sister and her dog

This morning was awake by a 'conversation' between my sister (ML) and her dog - Blacky.
Here are the details:

ML (in Cantonese): 入去!
Blacky: ...
ML (in Hakka): 落去!!
Blacky: ...
ML (in Bahasa): masuk!!!
Blacky: ...

These few sentence was repeated in different language, with higher and higher tone, basically I can only hear my sister sound, the dog was so nice that never dare to quarrel with her, just keep looking at my sister but refuse to do what my sister ask her to do.

I guess maybe the dog was confused with the language, it is multilingual! As what my sister explain, because my brother in law is speaking Hakka always; and before this, there is an Indon kakak take care of this dog, so she try to find a language that the dog might be able to understand. But nothing seems to be happen after 5-10 minutes of yelling loud to the dog, even when my sister show the dog the 'rotan', and finally beat the dog with the 'rotan', but she still failed to get the dog go into the cage :D

Only after my brother in law come back, then the dog finally get into the cage. How he do it? I don't know, but I am sure nothing to do with human language, but instead the trust and relationship between the dog and the person, do you think so?? 勉强没幸福

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wonder y ur sister dun use engliah ah???