Saturday, November 15, 2008

Why productive is so difficult to get common understanding?

How do you recognize a football player is a very good player?

A person that himself or helping the team make goal?

I agree only 50% of this, for me, a good player is a person that himself or helping the team make goal to the OPPONENT, if he so happen kick the ball into his own's gate, NOT only he doesn't make a goal, he actually make the team have to work twice to get the score back, 1 to balance it, 1 to really make it to 1-0!!

Then how do you judge a person is productive or not?

Deliver the work is consider productive?

Again, I only agree if this person delivery the RIGHT product, else, he is just pulling and wasting everybody effort.

Why there are people that NEVER get understand this.
When you tell we need to find a way to be more productive, then he told he make the thing work, and NEVER EVER recognize that making the RIGHT product is the key??

Don't complain why the work being done is never get appreciate, this world is crucial, find a way that can work with the real world is the way to survive good.


wk said...

I never know you are watching football. :D

Anonymous said...

Don't complain why the work being done is never get appreciate, this world is crucial, find a way that can work with the real world is the way to survive good.----->
我呢,就是因为之前的那份的工作一直不被appreciate,不管多么的努力,多么的认真完成工作,到头来,只要出现一个小小小小,非常小的错误,就把全部的责任推到我身上。本来说好那是team work,出现错误就该一组人负责,可是到头来上头却我要付起全部的责任。那时我愤怒、我感叹、我责骂……然后又怎样,上头就是上头,他说一句话就可以要我生要我死……既然他不ppreciate,那么我也“不仁”了,管它公司去死,我没有“死”就好了,所以我选择在公司忙得天翻地覆之际,辞职不干。转做一份“钢饭碗”的工,不会生锈、不怕打烂、也不怕裁员,多好的一份工。

mf said...

阿花, i don't means to hurt you :)
But you do find your way to work with the real world now, so, congrats!

Anonymous said...
