Had spend lot's of $ for this trip, got to buy luggage, winter cloths, big big storage box, computer gadget, camera and etc. Just feeling the $ is keep going out from my wallet, 'gek sum' ~~ 心痛! :(
Luckily my ex-college know I am soooo poor(or maybe they think I am very stingy?? :p), they had 'sponsor' me a very nice laptop backpack and a winter jacket, almost want to cry liao when they give me on my last day, really thanks a lot :p
It's just another few days to go, have to start do packing.
Those need to bring over, throw it in luggage;
Those left here, throw it to big big storage box, this is an order you know, 'land-lord' order, must follow one;
Those dun want already, throw it tong sampah, and some donate to who ever want.
Oh ya..still remains small small thing need to buy..like some medicine lah, vitamin lah, and maybe have to stock in some under wear also :D. Dun think too much, the first impression when I look at this pinkly image, is funny OK?? Dun think in 'yellow' my dear friend! :D

Winter clothing like jacket, go China buy. What for buy here? Those selling here are bloody rip off!!
hmm.. mf in pink lingerie....
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