Was looking for a music instrument that I 'should' learn, music was far far away from me after my primary school.
Was first thought of Quena, then was 'swing' between Chinese flute, or the Western flute, and recently was very surprise that actually the digital piano can produce the flute sound. Ya, I know my mind is swinging all the time...
But anyway, this is not my topic today.
Recently I start to search around for the basic music learning lesson in internet, and come across this website: The Internet Music Teacher
I saw the PASSION of a person in this website, and I really admire him.
This guy giving free music lesson in internet, and through out the years, he gains his famous. He is being 'labeled' as The Internet Music Teacher after his countless volunteer work to teach his music knowledge thru internet. I think he doesn't meant to gain all these when he start doing this, but it is the result of his hard-work, and he enjoy it so much while he's doing it.
How can a people doing free thing which cost lot's of time?
Passion on what he is doing is the answer, you just feel energy within him. His happiness, his excitement, he grow from simply teaching into orchestra-ing the pop music, he try every thing in his world, and he shares it to the world, for FREE.
I really salute him, also to other peoples that might doing something else which I have no chance to explore into yet. In a way, they are hero to me. :)
We should learn from this people, learn from their positive way of living.
Live with passion, contribute what you know, shares with others.
I think this will keep us happy, and really, we do not need to think too much what will we 'gain' from what we give, the thing will just work out magically if we do in a right way. We might influence other to do the same, I think this is the most wonderful thing we as a human, can contribute back to the world.
Think positive, act positive!
我佩服, 我崇拜, 我要学习你们的态度!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Baumkuchen - “Tree Cake”
Had double checks with colleague why is it call Tree Cake, so, finally understand that he meant the layer looks like the tree layer after it been cut, not the shape of the whole tree, but the trunk that had been cut
---- earlier post ----
Bought this from the Mainz visit, colleague told that he always bought a BIG one for his parent during x'mas visit.
Well, it looks good to me, bcoz I think it's made of butter :D
Baumkuchen - “Tree Cake”
They call it 'Tree Cake', my colleague try to explain that after cut the cake, it looks like a tree. I was wonder how it will be when he telling this.
Going to cut now ^_^
Finally, after I cut it for my brunch, I found it is very similar to the 'kuih lapis' which is a famous cake from Indonesia. They made it layer by layer, it taste nice, very 'solid' taste. Smell & taste butter & milk as I expected :)
Looks like the 'kuih lapis', don't they?
Price? It goes by weight, this one cost me almost 18 Euro, which is close to RM 80!!!
Wa lao eh, now only I realize it is so expensive, I got to eat it very slow~~~
---- earlier post ----
Bought this from the Mainz visit, colleague told that he always bought a BIG one for his parent during x'mas visit.
Well, it looks good to me, bcoz I think it's made of butter :D
They call it 'Tree Cake', my colleague try to explain that after cut the cake, it looks like a tree. I was wonder how it will be when he telling this.
Finally, after I cut it for my brunch, I found it is very similar to the 'kuih lapis' which is a famous cake from Indonesia. They made it layer by layer, it taste nice, very 'solid' taste. Smell & taste butter & milk as I expected :)
Price? It goes by weight, this one cost me almost 18 Euro, which is close to RM 80!!!
Wa lao eh, now only I realize it is so expensive, I got to eat it very slow~~~
Weekend short trip - Mainz
A very friendly colleague invited us to visit the city he live - the Mainz.
5 of us made the trip last Saturday, it took only 30 mins by train from my place.
Attraction in this city was about the Rome empire 'proof' which is found in this city.
He told that it is about 2000 KM from his place to the Rome, Italy. So it is really amazing in long long time ago, which could be 2000 years back, the Rome empire had already spread their troops to this country.
No air plane, no train, no car. That time they only have chariot and their legs, I think it could take them months or even years to travel from Rome to Frankfurt. But, the greedy of human on the power had overcome all these obstacles, I think this is the 'good' output from a 'bad' intention.
The day ends with a very nice place, the beer is very very nice. Sweet, and fresh.. Hmmm.. Ok, I am not too good in describing the taste of something, but I can only say it taste much much better than those bottle beer I tried before.
And, this is our dinner. YES, each of us order the same plate, and we are all surprise with this BIG portion of pork knuckle. It taste nice, but just too big, end up we waste the food, no one able to finish it. We should have order 2 for all of us, I always think waste of food is a very bad habit...
crispy pork knuckle
inside, the meat is tender, and 'chewy' due to the fat... yes, it is very sinful for your weight...
5 of us made the trip last Saturday, it took only 30 mins by train from my place.
Attraction in this city was about the Rome empire 'proof' which is found in this city.
He told that it is about 2000 KM from his place to the Rome, Italy. So it is really amazing in long long time ago, which could be 2000 years back, the Rome empire had already spread their troops to this country.
No air plane, no train, no car. That time they only have chariot and their legs, I think it could take them months or even years to travel from Rome to Frankfurt. But, the greedy of human on the power had overcome all these obstacles, I think this is the 'good' output from a 'bad' intention.
The day ends with a very nice place, the beer is very very nice. Sweet, and fresh.. Hmmm.. Ok, I am not too good in describing the taste of something, but I can only say it taste much much better than those bottle beer I tried before.
And, this is our dinner. YES, each of us order the same plate, and we are all surprise with this BIG portion of pork knuckle. It taste nice, but just too big, end up we waste the food, no one able to finish it. We should have order 2 for all of us, I always think waste of food is a very bad habit...
Sunday, December 05, 2010
eh, 终于把相片全传上Picasa 啦!!
看着这些Picasa相簿, 我是有一点点成就感的.
终于, 我的旅途顺利完成.
没有争执, 没有班车/飞机延迟; 没有误车/误机, 一切都非常顺利,平安. 老土的说一句, 感谢上天的眷顾与保佑.
更重要的收尾工作现在也已经完成了, 哎... 好爽的感觉!!
至于旅游日记嘛, 我还在挣扎要不要写.
其实每个人对每件物与事都会有不同的角度和观点. 我写的不一定是对的, 只是一些非常个人的感觉.
还是鼓励各位如果有机会的话, 亲自到那些你向往的地方看看.
那种我终于到了的感觉真的很好, 然后再开心满满的回到工作岗位上继续为下一站打拼.
有时我真的觉得我的人生就是这么简单啦 :)
终于, 我的旅途顺利完成.
没有争执, 没有班车/飞机延迟; 没有误车/误机, 一切都非常顺利,平安. 老土的说一句, 感谢上天的眷顾与保佑.
更重要的收尾工作现在也已经完成了, 哎... 好爽的感觉!!
至于旅游日记嘛, 我还在挣扎要不要写.
其实每个人对每件物与事都会有不同的角度和观点. 我写的不一定是对的, 只是一些非常个人的感觉.
还是鼓励各位如果有机会的话, 亲自到那些你向往的地方看看.
那种我终于到了的感觉真的很好, 然后再开心满满的回到工作岗位上继续为下一站打拼.
有时我真的觉得我的人生就是这么简单啦 :)
Thursday, December 02, 2010
雪下了两天, 今天停了. 路面上的雪开始融化,但是由于气温一直不下来,导致雪融的不全,变成冰了.
我今早照常骑上我的‘小红’上班, 已经是非常小心了. 在离家不远的路口想着要减速然后拐弯, 就在我打brake的时候,zhit~ 的一声, 完全不受控制之下,我kuah la kuah la 的摔倒了...
还好穿着牛仔裤,而且速度真的很慢,所以没擦破皮, 就是会淤青一段时间.
小红的头也歪了, 但是我过后还是继续骑着它上班. 所以其实还好啦, 就是疼, 没骨折什么的.
其实这里下雪时, 都会有人负责间断地清理行驶路面, 比如铲雪啦, 撒盐啦什么的. 目的是把车辆或人行道整出一条能走的路, 尽量避免意外发生. 要不然如果意外发生了, 那么业主或屋主可能会被告上法庭, 会罚款的.
就是说这里每个人对社会都有他的责任, 每个人都必需保证自己的行为不会伤害别人/导致别人发生意外, 不然他就要付出代价了. 这是很好的态度.
我觉得可能我摔倒的那条道路是小路吧, 工作做的没那么好. 当我骑到大马路时,就非常容易行驶了,基本上没有冰是冻结在路面上的. 我只能说这次的意外是我的愚蠢, 没有做好思想准备, 就是遇上应该怎么应付结冰的路面, 什么时候能骑什么时候不能骑, 我没有很仔细的想过, 所以意外是早晚会发生的事.
有时候我真的这么认为, 你别以为某人很勇敢, 其实某人是完全没考虑到细节, 而茫茫然的就去做了.
好听的是有勇无谋, 更直接的是愚勇. 就傻瓜一个.
摔倒? 活该!
我今早照常骑上我的‘小红’上班, 已经是非常小心了. 在离家不远的路口想着要减速然后拐弯, 就在我打brake的时候,zhit~ 的一声, 完全不受控制之下,我kuah la kuah la 的摔倒了...
还好穿着牛仔裤,而且速度真的很慢,所以没擦破皮, 就是会淤青一段时间.
小红的头也歪了, 但是我过后还是继续骑着它上班. 所以其实还好啦, 就是疼, 没骨折什么的.
其实这里下雪时, 都会有人负责间断地清理行驶路面, 比如铲雪啦, 撒盐啦什么的. 目的是把车辆或人行道整出一条能走的路, 尽量避免意外发生. 要不然如果意外发生了, 那么业主或屋主可能会被告上法庭, 会罚款的.
就是说这里每个人对社会都有他的责任, 每个人都必需保证自己的行为不会伤害别人/导致别人发生意外, 不然他就要付出代价了. 这是很好的态度.
我觉得可能我摔倒的那条道路是小路吧, 工作做的没那么好. 当我骑到大马路时,就非常容易行驶了,基本上没有冰是冻结在路面上的. 我只能说这次的意外是我的愚蠢, 没有做好思想准备, 就是遇上应该怎么应付结冰的路面, 什么时候能骑什么时候不能骑, 我没有很仔细的想过, 所以意外是早晚会发生的事.
有时候我真的这么认为, 你别以为某人很勇敢, 其实某人是完全没考虑到细节, 而茫茫然的就去做了.
好听的是有勇无谋, 更直接的是愚勇. 就傻瓜一个.
摔倒? 活该!
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