And this is the Prime Meridian, Longtitude 0' red line. Too bad the digital clock can't show the running time, the clock was start during the year of new milineum, year 2000.

Dun know how to call this thing, it point to our globe where the 0' located.

And the info, read it yourself

On coming Sunday [26 March 2006], London will adjust their time to British Summer Time [BST], which is GMT + 1, means it will be 7 hours delay from here start on that day.
After spending hours in this Royal Observatory, Greenwich. I continue my walk to few other places nearby, like the Queen house, National Maritime Museum, the Greenwich Univerysity and etc. Too bad that some of the place can't take photo [although I did 'curi-curi' for one of the place :p]. Here are some photos:

More photo here. Let me know if you problem to access it. Too bad I had used up all quote this month. Can't upload any more images!! Let me get more advise from those expert ;). I had put some notes on the photo, see if you can find it!
Some time I have a though that, if i born in a place GMT + 12, but later I live in a place GMT - 12, so, this means I will get older by 1 day?? die later in 1 day???
Dun say 1 day is not a big deal, if i know what happen tomorrow, my life is super! I will buy Super Toto or what ever lottery which I know the result!
You read Da Vinci Code? It mentioned about the original Greenwich is not in London.
I dindt read that book. But it's only a novel is it? I means some of it could be fact, but some of it is made story
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