So, this is my office block. Block 10, Chiswick Park. As you can see from the picture, it's not a nice scene now, all trees are 'died', not greenish at all. I dun like view at all, hope it will be better during Spring.
The office building architecture is basically only glass + aluminium. It's a quiet place. Got gym, pub, cafeteria and class room in some other block. I personal think it's quite a good working place.

My office has 2 floor, I am sitting at the 1st floor, and here is my seat. It's still very early in the morning, not much people step in yet. It look very empty.
Hm.mmm..... finally my bedroom...
But................I prefer to keep my room private to myself :p. So, not going to show u the room, only show u all my 'neightbour' instead. :D. It's a cemetery!! Hantu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !!

so big your company floor... but so little table only keh..?
Why pictures and font so small? My eyes blur blur already after reading.
Staying beside the cemetary... anybody visit you middle of the night or not?
Ask Bill, he has a story about staying next to a cemetary...
i recognize your red color bag, do you wear the red color Power shoe as well?
I have new shoes before for my CNY. So, the red Power shoes was in the 'fridge' now :p
Comments told that the font so small, so, i had make it bigger, changed the comments time format.
Any other comments? Forgive for my poor 'virgin' post, please comment to improve it. ;-)
The timezone, should i use time here or GMT + 8 ???
Not virgin post already lah...
Of course change the Timezone to GMT +8
Oii...finally got to see something from your site. Em.m....your work place look so grant ah, so big and empty...
Not bad, keep in up to post more here, ok?
Keep it as one of your bookmark, I will try to update as frequent as posible ;)
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