有时觉得我的人生真的有点无聊, 不知道正在做什么.
别人在求学时期,享受到得团体生活,我一概不参与,典型的应该却不要, 没什么, 纯粹不喜欢
某某某, 做了某某公司的话事人
某某某, 年收入是我的一倍
某某某, 事业有成, 有儿有女, 家庭幸福
我, 有什么?
做得不高不低, 私人生活平淡如白纸.
给了工作? 效果还不是so, so and so so
去谈恋爱了? 也没见个苍蝇出现过
去学习了? 也没见拿了个什么什么硕士, 博士
贡献社会了, 当个什么义工的? 也没试过
Summary 就只有一个, 套句我舅舅说的话, 我这人生到目前为止是九流的,第九流!
可恨的是, 我竟然没想过怎么能够把九流稍微提高到八流, 无药可救吧?
现在, 我年纪越大, 思想变得越自我.
已经变得只有我喜不喜欢, 而没所谓的应不应该.
这态度, 让家人生气, 让朋友不解, 甚至搞不好, 见面我也觉得不必要了, 严重吧?
你呢? 过得好不好? 充实吗?
希望你们都好, 生活充满亮点, 精彩, 快乐.
我呢, 继续去做那不应该却还要做的事, 为什么? 因为我喜欢!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
可爱 = 可怜没人爱
聪明 = 失聪又失明
讨厌 = 讨人喜欢,百看不厌
但是只适用于某些条件优秀的人, 不然别人会吐血身亡的 !
请自重, 搞出人命是犯法的 !
蛋白质 = 笨蛋 + 白痴 + 神经质
可爱 = 可怜没人爱
聪明 = 失聪又失明
讨厌 = 讨人喜欢,百看不厌
但是只适用于某些条件优秀的人, 不然别人会吐血身亡的 !
请自重, 搞出人命是犯法的 !
蛋白质 = 笨蛋 + 白痴 + 神经质
Monday, August 17, 2009
will it comes true??
sometimes i feel i do have some luck..
when think of something ... something is coming to me ..
although think of money, but not get million yet lah :D
today i heard there might be a good chance come to me, to a place that i was think of .. with the working way i like to give it a try ..
but ... nothing confirm yet, so i keep this to myself first..
ends of this month, will know where to go after Oct 2009
wish me good luck!
when think of something ... something is coming to me ..
although think of money, but not get million yet lah :D
today i heard there might be a good chance come to me, to a place that i was think of .. with the working way i like to give it a try ..
but ... nothing confirm yet, so i keep this to myself first..
ends of this month, will know where to go after Oct 2009
wish me good luck!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
back to the starting point again...
after 10 years of working as a Java programmer, still i found myself does not understand why it has be program in such a way, but i just know it must program in such away.
are you the same like me?
am i wasting my time in my work only?
after 10 years, it will be big chance i would fail the java programmer exam (although i did pass it once upon a time)
but does exam really telling us something?
is the deep knowledge of the language itself really matter to a programmer?
i think it is .... after 10 years, i am again start to browse for the java programmer basic knowledge... maybe it's good to always refresh our mind ....
hope i'll enjoy myself!!
are you the same like me?
am i wasting my time in my work only?
after 10 years, it will be big chance i would fail the java programmer exam (although i did pass it once upon a time)
but does exam really telling us something?
is the deep knowledge of the language itself really matter to a programmer?
i think it is .... after 10 years, i am again start to browse for the java programmer basic knowledge... maybe it's good to always refresh our mind ....
hope i'll enjoy myself!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
wasting money...
after simply spending to buy the thing i try to look for.. finally i trust a simple rules : cheap thing no good thing, unless u can try the thing yourself.
online shopping, lot's of fake picture, what you get would be really different from it's display!
better stick back to the brand you know..
i had just 'burn' 100 RMB.. with the lousy quality thing i received today.. well.. my own fault, got brain also know it won't be so cheap thing around lah..
online shopping, lot's of fake picture, what you get would be really different from it's display!
better stick back to the brand you know..
i had just 'burn' 100 RMB.. with the lousy quality thing i received today.. well.. my own fault, got brain also know it won't be so cheap thing around lah..
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
finally get myself a small fan
hot! hot!! hot!!!
beh ta han!!! really beh ta han!!!!
hot like hell, hot till i cannot sleep at all
i very serious about my sleep quality, i worry i will get crazy if i can't sleep well for > 3 days
so i decided to get a small fan today.
as consider with my small place, especially my sleeping area, i choose this one
it cost only RMB 55, means about RM 27.50.

Got speed 1-3, got timer max. 60 mins, can turn left - right, can adjust head up and down.. wah lao.. so many function yet so cheap neh!!
let's see how long it can tahan ;)
btw, feeling good now, it's really worth the price
and next.. maybe should go and get a hair cut
beh ta han!!! really beh ta han!!!!
hot like hell, hot till i cannot sleep at all
i very serious about my sleep quality, i worry i will get crazy if i can't sleep well for > 3 days
so i decided to get a small fan today.
as consider with my small place, especially my sleeping area, i choose this one
it cost only RMB 55, means about RM 27.50.
Got speed 1-3, got timer max. 60 mins, can turn left - right, can adjust head up and down.. wah lao.. so many function yet so cheap neh!!
let's see how long it can tahan ;)
btw, feeling good now, it's really worth the price
and next.. maybe should go and get a hair cut
Friday, August 07, 2009
weekend is coming..
weekend is coming, i should be feeling happy, but why i am not??!
... don't know what to do tomorrow, this is one of the bad thing when we are far from home, far from friends, and if we don't have any other interest to keep ourself enjoying the day.
so, now, i am going to jogging, i hope i can enjoy it!
... don't know what to do tomorrow, this is one of the bad thing when we are far from home, far from friends, and if we don't have any other interest to keep ourself enjoying the day.
so, now, i am going to jogging, i hope i can enjoy it!
Monday, August 03, 2009
这绝对和人生鸡精没任何关系,hmmm...我好像忘了那书名eh, 很出名的....something like that lah
anyway. this is the story about 鸡筋的神奇力量!!!
某人骑电单车发生意外, 把手摔断了, 而且还伤了脚部旧患,住了3天医院.
这么严重的摔伤, 3天是不可能这么快好的, 而且医生看了看旧患, 建议动个手术.
因为hor,他说他要去找个很出名的马来人,他说:'这马来人很sai lei 的,能用鸡筋...' 他本身说话有口吃.. 还没说完,他的妈问他:'什么? 那马来人用鸡筋放进你脚,就会好?'
你说搞笑不搞笑,这是什么问题? 鸡筋放进脚, 想象力果真不一般 -_-!!!
我无语了... 正所谓奇人奇事何其多,何必花钱买风采 ?
anyway. this is the story about 鸡筋的神奇力量!!!
某人骑电单车发生意外, 把手摔断了, 而且还伤了脚部旧患,住了3天医院.
这么严重的摔伤, 3天是不可能这么快好的, 而且医生看了看旧患, 建议动个手术.
因为hor,他说他要去找个很出名的马来人,他说:'这马来人很sai lei 的,能用鸡筋...' 他本身说话有口吃.. 还没说完,他的妈问他:'什么? 那马来人用鸡筋放进你脚,就会好?'
你说搞笑不搞笑,这是什么问题? 鸡筋放进脚, 想象力果真不一般 -_-!!!
我无语了... 正所谓奇人奇事何其多,何必花钱买风采 ?
Saturday, August 01, 2009
折腾了12个小时,终于平平安安到达了. 到家时让那出租车师傅替我拿行李下车,结果要说两遍他才能听懂,还被他‘zat’了句听不懂你说什么,我还真有点不爽, 心里骂了句tmd.
非常享受这里的网速,我真不明白为什么Malaysia这么多年了,network speed 一点也没啥改进,sad!
还有就是那种工作休息,工作休息的平淡日子. 你能把它称为一潭死水的日子,我有时真的很享受,除了工作,不用理任何其它的事情,眼不见为净,没眼屎干净盲. 我有时会‘误以为’这是无忧无虑的生活,其实还真有些像乌龟 :p
折腾了12个小时,终于平平安安到达了. 到家时让那出租车师傅替我拿行李下车,结果要说两遍他才能听懂,还被他‘zat’了句听不懂你说什么,我还真有点不爽, 心里骂了句tmd.
非常享受这里的网速,我真不明白为什么Malaysia这么多年了,network speed 一点也没啥改进,sad!
还有就是那种工作休息,工作休息的平淡日子. 你能把它称为一潭死水的日子,我有时真的很享受,除了工作,不用理任何其它的事情,眼不见为净,没眼屎干净盲. 我有时会‘误以为’这是无忧无虑的生活,其实还真有些像乌龟 :p
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