Tuesday, January 12, 2010

谢谢, A-Z can be very meaningful

有时,我会觉得我遇上的人还是算得上都是好人 (虽然...我本身不是什么好人...)

最近很努力的在到处乱投我的resume, 我真的很想赶快找到工作, 这样心里会踏实得多。
然后遇上个job agent.
毕竟我一直觉得我们之间只是互取利益, 她帮忙我找合适的employer, 我拿到工作的时候, 她会得到应有的报酬.
当然,不是我直接付她钱. 这是她的工作bonus.


待人真诚, 遇上对的人, 回报是让人感到happy的.
希望我能多‘吸引’这些positive sources, not for big success, but for a happy life with positive thinking :)

So, let's share this A-Z, very meaningful 的人生态度!

A = Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits
B = Believe in yourself
C = Consider things from every angle
D = Don't give up and don't give in
E = Enjoy life today - yesterday is done, tomorrow may never come
F = Family & friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches
G = Give more than you planned to
H = Hang on to your dreams
I = Ignore those who try to discourage you
J = Just do it!
K = Keep trying no matter how hard it seems - it will get easier
L = Love yourself first and most
M = Make it happen
N = Never lie, cheat or steal; always strike a fair deal
O = Open your eyes and see things as they really are
P = Practice makes perfect
Q = Quitters never win, and winners never quit
R = Read, study and learn about everything important in your life
S = Stop procrastinating
T = Take control of your own destiny
U = Understand yourself to better understand others
V = Visualise it!
W = Want it more than anything
X = Xcellerate your efforts
Y = You are unique of all God's creations, nothing can replace you
Z = Zero in your target and go for it

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