Sunday, January 30, 2011

Stupid me!

Waiting for the taxi pickup.

Did the last minute shopping yesterday, and I did a very stupid & expensive mistake :(

At first I thought I get a very very good deal, who knows I bought a strange 2 layer wok, really feeling want to cry 欲哭无泪啊~~~~

Lesson learn are:
- never do thing at the last day.
- don't think it is a good deal when see there is big different in price for the 'same' thing in a shop (well, stupid me thought it was the price tag mistake, i have bad intention lah). Always checks very careful on the thing going to buy, open the box, feel it, then only pay it

The wok cost 90 Euro, means RM 360.
And I may need to buy another one if it's required when back to Malaysia, heard it cost over 1000 for the stainless steal

I try to convince myself it's OK for single person cookin, try to make myself feeling a little bit better lah, but hor, doesn't work so much leh

Will post photo of it when I back to MY.

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