After 2 weeks, the screw had taken out, but this screw cannot be use already, because it's already 'loose'. So, now, the shoes rack still look ugly, wait till I able to find the replacing screw

我没看user manual,就开始扭了,扭啊扭。。扭 不动了。。原来方向错了,而且还被我给扭歪了。。
Being an european me....i don't understand chinese character. So i seek Mr.Goo"ge" help since my translator is not beside me. Below is what Mr.Goo"ge" translate for me.
"And a roommate to buy the Xiejia back, I am very excited about the start of assembly, the screws 2.60
I did not see user manual, began twisting, twisting ah-twisting. . Fixed a twisting. . The original wrong direction, but also I had to Niuwai. .
It is not by twisting, twisting do not get the. . Tomorrow going to see what could be a remedy. . . Otherwise, it is necessary to buy new
Although the roommate did not say what (the money to buy her out), I know her so I think that to avoid embarrassment, but I really was too failed
I really have enough stupid. . Can go to the wall! !"
karen : hahaha .. the english translation really funny.
luckily nothing 'yellow' was translated... because could has sensitive words there, screw, go in , but not go out...
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