Tuesday, April 23, 2013

again, new technology does not necessaries make our life easier.

bought myself a new laptop after 4 yrs, not that the old laptop was koyak, but it's performance really big a problem for my daily coding work.

Anyway, story was not about this new laptop.
But a 'funny' thing I go thru as I want to setup a Skype on it.

The new laptop come with Win 8, so, as 'normal' logical thinking I was looking for the Skype for Win 8 installation.

All going smooth, just that when I start to use it

wth this Skype is occuping my whole screen, not as a tiny long window as before ???

Trying to search for the option to change the setting
Thought of cleaning up some of my contact, try to find the Remove Contact

All these not in the Options menu, I really ask why why why to myself many times...

You know what?
The conclusion is, I should NOT install Skype for Win 8 if I want how it looks in Win 7

There is a version call : Skype for Windows desktop which is the one I should have install

I am really sorry to tell, this naming is very confusing for me

The 'desktop' means all things NOT in the 'mobile' ? i.e. laptop is now also a desktop
All the while we are downloading software by OS, now we have to differentiate by.. what's this call, eerrr.. machine type ?

Don't know for others, I really don't like this naming strategy, thumb down .

Monday, April 22, 2013



我今天正式从替人打工, 转型至为自己打工.

今天以后, 会跟另外两个ong gui 佬开始在马来西亚有限的 IT 行业里横冲直撞, 希望即使在多次的撞墙以后, 我们还能不忘初心, 有那个打不死的决心 !!

Friday, April 05, 2013

告别, 不会完美

今天特刊, 许裕全简单的一句话, 深有感触: 再怎样的告别, 都没有完美的方式

是的, 我完完全全, 明明白白的同意. 

只要有一方不想告别, 而又留不得的时候, 会有什么完美可言?


推荐他的书, 有时间去看看他的 《从大丽花到兰花》
而且,阅读前, 千万记得告诉自己, 别哭 !