Friday, May 27, 2011

秋葵治疗糖尿病 - Lady Finger for Diabetes

觉得这些资讯挺好, 可以分享, 所以开个新 label 来 post 一下啦
我只post简要的, 全文请参照出处

Book: 求医不如求己
Author: 严浩

超级简单古老配方: 秋葵泡水
秋葵 = Bhindi, 又叫 Okra, 又叫 Lady Finger

秋葵 = Bhindi, or Okra, or Lady Finger

2只新鲜秋葵: Fresh 的, 不要煮, 去头去尾, 切片
1杯室温开水: 就是沸腾后的水凉至室温
1个晚上: 把秋葵放进水中泡 1个晚上

第二个早晨, 滤渣后空腹饮用

两个星期后血糖开始下降. 有服用胰岛素好几年的患者, 饮用秋葵水几个月后就停止了服用胰岛素, 但仍然坚持饮用秋葵水, 这个过程, 请在医生的监督下进行

还有一些关于预防, 是的, 请预防, 别中招:
- 多吃高纤维
- 少肉多菜
- 睡眠 6-8 小时, 少了, 风险加一倍; 多了危险加三倍!!
- 工作前进行3次深呼吸以减少压力
- 每天 walk 35 mins
- fast food 一周不能超过 2 次
- 别超肥

----------- English ------------
Lady Finger for Diabetes

2 fresh okra: Fresh, do not cook, cut both end, slice it.
1 cup of room temperature water: boiled water cooling down to the room temperature
1 night: put the okra into the water for a night

The next morning, drink the water with empty stomach (throw away the pieces)

Blood glucose began to decrease after two weeks. There were case where a patient taking insulin for several years, the patient stopped taking insulin after few months of taking this Okra water, and he still drink this water in daily basis, but please do this under the supervision of a doctor

Prevention tips, yes, please prevent it instead of try to cure it :)
- Eat more high fiber food
- Less meat and more vegetables
- 6-8 hours of sleep, the less will risk doubled; and more will be triple bad!
- Take 3 times of deep breath before start work, this reduce pressure
- Walk 35 mins a day
- Take fast food less than 2 times a week
- Don't be over weight

Sunday, May 22, 2011


不敢说我是个好人, 但是非常感谢这世界存在着很多很多的好人.

在有的人在趁人之危而努力捞财的时候, 他们会不计成本与劳力, 用尽得一分是一分的心态, 无私的帮助素未谋面的陌生人.

真的应该向他们学习学习, 希望不久的将来, 我也可以成为能帮上别人的一小分子.

感恩, 真的非常感恩

Saturday, May 14, 2011

happy lah

Was wonder why my home internet is still so slow even after I upgrade it to the 1M package.

If it's not the line problem, then I think it could be the wireless router problem.
Mine is old old model, think 5 yrs ++ back. So, I tried to install the new router that come with the TM package.

And surprisingly it really help on the wireless connection!
Previously, when I access from my room, it always show Poor; now I see the 'Excellent' ^-^
Also, my new handphone always failed to connect to the old wireless, and now it work like a charm. So maybe you can also consider to upgrade the Wifi equipment if the speed is un-reasonable slow no matter what package you have purchase (?) just my guess leh, not too sure

I'm happy with what I did.

Happy to enjoy the much faster browsing speed
Happy to have the handphone Wifi connected

And, happy that I have loooong weekend ahead me :)

Life is good lah ;)